Appendix F. Bitcoin Explorer (bx) Commands
Bitcoin Explorer (bx) is a command-line tool that offers a variety of commands for key management and transaction construction. It is part of the libbitcoin bitcoin library.
Usage: bx COMMAND [--help] Info: The bx commands are: address-decode address-embed address-encode address-validate base16-decode base16-encode base58-decode base58-encode base58check-decode base58check-encode base64-decode base64-encode bitcoin160 bitcoin256 btc-to-satoshi ec-add ec-add-secrets ec-multiply ec-multiply-secrets ec-new ec-to-address ec-to-public ec-to-wif fetch-balance fetch-header fetch-height fetch-history fetch-stealth fetch-tx fetch-tx-index hd-new hd-private hd-public hd-to-address hd-to-ec hd-to-public hd-to-wif help input-set input-sign input-validate message-sign message-validate mnemonic-decode mnemonic-encode ripemd160 satoshi-to-btc script-decode script-encode script-to-address seed send-tx send-tx-node send-tx-p2p settings sha160 sha256 sha512 stealth-decode stealth-encode stealth-public stealth-secret stealth-shared tx-decode tx-encode uri-decode uri-encode validate-tx watch-address wif-to-ec wif-to-public wrap-decode wrap-encode
For more information, see the Bitcoin Explorer homepage and Bitcoin Explorer user documentation.
Examples of bx Command Use
Let’s look at some examples of using Bitcoin Explorer commands to experiment with keys and addresses.
Generate a random “seed” value using the seed
command, which uses the operating system’s ...
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