Chapter 9. Using API Infrastructure to Evolve Toward Cloud Platforms

In the previous chapter we provided an overview of architectural approaches that you can use when evolving APIs and the services that power them. An equally important topic to consider within the evolution of systems is the underlying infrastructure, platforms, and hardware. Often this changes and evolves on its own rhythm: as hardware breaks, companies and technology become merged or acquired, or organization-wide IT policies dictate that infrastructure be upgraded. However, at times an API program will drive infrastructure changes, particularly in relation to modernization and moving to more cloud-like (software-defined) infrastructure. Now, you will learn how to implement and manage evolving a system and the corresponding API infrastructure.

This chapter builds on the architecture foundations presented in the previous chapters and explores how you can use API infrastructure, such as API gateways, service meshes, and developer portals, to evolve a system when moving to a cloud-based environment. You will learn the differences between a “lift and shift” of applications, a “replatform,” and a “refactor or re-architecture,” and develop the skills to know which is the most appropriate given a specific context. The accompanying case study will show how the existing API gateway and the Attendee service can be migrated to the cloud. The use of an API gateway can provide location transparency for services ...

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