Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, 2nd Edition

Book description

This book offers best practice advice on how to meet anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and will help you put together an effective framework to meet your legal obligations.

It includes a comprehensive selection of example documents, checklists and an unrivalled collection of training materials.

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Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Acknowledgement
  6. Disclaimer
  7. Introduction
  8. About the author
  9. 1 Fundamental Concepts
  10. Background and definitions
  11. Key processes in money laundering and terrorist financing
  12. Money laundering
  13. Crypto-Laundering and the Blockchain
  14. Terrorist financing
  15. Further differences between terrorist financing and classical money laundering
  16. Suspicion recognition
  17. 2 The International AML and CFT Framework
  18. Key components of the international institutional and legal framework
  19. A developing framework to combat tax evasion
  20. Proliferation Financing
  21. A developing framework for the regulation of cryptocurrencies
  22. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
  23. FATF regional style bodies and associate members
  24. Other relevant international bodies
  25. Key requirements for financial institutions
  26. Key components of a national AML/CFT framework
  27. 3 The Role, Structure and Positioning of the AML/CFT Compliance Function
  28. Structure and culture
  29. AML/CFT best practice
  30. Best practice in higher-risk products and services
  31. IT systems
  32. The use of artificial intelligence
  33. Training, communication and awareness
  34. A ‘pro-business’ approach
  35. Management of internal suspicion reporting
  36. 4 CDD, KYC and the Risk-based Approach
  37. Background to the Risk-Based Approach
  38. Components of the Risk-Based Approach
  39. Mitigating controls
  40. Regulatory environment
  41. Special categories: Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
  42. Constructing a Risk-Based Approach for your organisation
  43. The core components of CDD
  44. CDD processes and tools
  45. Example risk assessment frameworks
  46. Constructing a CDD framework for financial institutions
  47. Constructing a CDD framework for retail/consumer banking business
  48. Constructing a CDD framework for private banking
  49. 5 Reputational Risk
  50. Managing reputational risk
  51. When banks go wrong: cases of punishments and penalties
  52. Managing reputational risk: the experience of the MDBs
  53. The integrity ‘red flags’ checklist and the due diligence investigation tools
  54. Practical application
  55. 6 Suspicion Recognition
  56. Background and general principles
  57. Money laundering typologies
  58. Terrorist financing typologies
  59. Account analysis examples
  60. ‘Accumulation of evidence’ cases
  61. The 21st century: areas of rising concern
  62. 7 International Cooperation
  63. Background
  64. Modern structures of organised crime and terrorism
  65. Mechanisms and tools of international cooperation
  66. International cooperative bodies
  67. 8 Modern Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Two Case Studies
  68. Introduction
  69. Smoke and Mirrors: AlnaBank and the Messengers of God
  70. Futura Capital Partners: Modern Money Laundering through ‘low risk’ regulated OECD Financial Institutions
  71. Discussion Points: Futura Capital Partners Case
  72. Appendix
  73. Index

Product information

  • Title: Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Tim Parkman
  • Release date: November 2019
  • Publisher(s): Pearson Education
  • ISBN: 9781292282374