Chapter 12. Sorting and Searching
Sorting means arranging a set of elements in a prescribed order. Normally a sort is thought of as either ascending or descending. An ascending sort of the integers {5, 2, 7, 1}, for example, produces {1, 2, 5, 7}, whereas a descending sort produces {7, 5, 2, 1}. In general, sorting serves to organize data so that it is more meaningful. Although the most visible application of sorting is sorting data to display it, often sorting is used to organize data in solving other problems, sometimes as a part of other formal algorithms.
In general, sorting algorithms are divided into two classes: comparison sorts and linear-time sorts. Comparison sorts rely on comparing elements to place them in the correct order. Surprisingly, not all sorting algorithms rely on making comparisons. For those that do, it is not possible to sort faster than in O (n lg n) time. Linear-time sorts get their name from sorting in a time proportional to the number of elements being sorted, or O (n). Unfortunately, linear-time sorts rely on certain characteristics in the data, so we cannot always apply them. Some sorts use the same storage that contains the data to store output as the sort proceeds; these are called in-place sorts . Others require extra storage for the output data, although they may copy the results back over the original data at the end.
Searching is the ubiquitous task of locating an element in a set of data. The simplest approach to locating an element takes very ...
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