List of Examples
II.1.1 OLS estimates of alpha and beta for two stocks
II.1.2 OLS estimates of portfolio alpha and beta
II.1.3 Systematic and specific risk
II.1.4 Style attribution
II.1.5 Systematic risk at the portfolio level
II.1.6 Decomposition of systematic risk into equity and forex factors
II.1.7 Total risk and systematic risk
II.1.8 Tracking error of an underperforming fund
II.1.9 Why tracking error only applies to tracking funds
II.1.10 Irrelevance of the benchmark for tracking error
II.1.11 Interpretation of Mean-Adjusted Tracking Error
II.1.12 Comparison of TE and MATE
II.1.13 Which fund is more risky (1)?
II.1.14 Which fund is more risky (2)?
II.2.1 PCA factor model for a UK bond portfolio
II.2.2 PCA factor model for forward sterling exposures
II.2.3 PCA on crude oil futures
II.2.4 Immunizing a bond portfolio using PCA
II.2.5 Asset–liability management using PCA
II.2.6 Stress testing a UK bond portfolio
II.2.7 PCA on curves with different credit rating
II.2.8 PCA on curves in different currencies
II.2.9 Decomposition of total risk using PCA factors
II.3.1 Calculating volatility from standard deviation
II.3.2 Estimating volatility for hedge funds
II.3.3 Portfolio variance
II.3.4 Scaling and decomposition of covariance matrix
II.3.5 Equally weighted average estimate of FTSE 100 volatility (I)
II.3.6 Equally weighted average estimate of FTSE 100 volatility (II)
II.3.7 Equally weighted correlation of the FTSE 100 and S&P 500
II.3.8 Confidence interval for a variance estimate ...
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