Chapter 1
1. Kmetz (1998).
2. Taleb (2010).
3. Wildavsky (1983).
4. Wilensky (1967).
5. Senge (1990, 1994).
6. Strassmann (1985).
7. Farrell, Mandel, and Weber (1995).
8. The right direction? (1995).
Chapter 2
1. von Bertalanffy (1968).
2. Boulding (1956).
3. Williamson (1975).
4. Knight and McDaniel (1979).
5. Kerr (1975).
Chapter 3
1. Harris (1999).
3.; Diaz and Rudden (2010).
5. van der Aalst, van Hee, and Houben (2002).
6. Carr (1999a, 1999b); Malone et al. (1999); Malone, Crowston, and Herman (2003).
8. APQC (2010).
9. Montero and Scott (1996).
10. Alonso, Agrawal, El Abbadi, and Mohan (1997).
11. Diaz and Rudden (2010); Haugh (2010).
12. Diaz and Rudden ...
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