View Your Photo Thumbnails on a Flash Map #39
Chapter 4, Mapping (on) the Web
Adding Location Tags to Radio Userland
For Radio Userland, it’s a bit of an easier ride to get to RSS2+Geo. The
Location tool ( uses Radio’s call-
back mechanisms to add latitude and longitude inputs to the post form and
includes those entries in the RSS file. Simply download and install the tool,
and you’re all set.
The Location tool also defines a
<%locationlink%> tag, which displays a
small globe linking to a map of the location specified. You can add it to your
itemTemplate.txt like so:
Congratulations, your weblog posts are now location-enabled and ready to
be mapped, for example, with RDFMapper
[Hack #21]! See http://www. for more on this, or the next hack “View Your
Photo Thumbnails on a Flash Map”
[Hack #39] for a related hack.
—Mikel Maron
View Your Photo Thumbnails on a Flash Map Hack #39
Showing the original locations of your photos on a map is a neat trick, but
worldKit lets you go one further, by showing the image thumbnails right on
the map itself.
worldKit is a web mapping toolkit that runs in Macromedia’s ubiquitous
Flash Player. With a little bit of XML, you can configure worldKit to plot a
geotagged RSS feed on a map of your choice. We’ll look at using your favor-
ite blogging tool to record the places where your photos were taken, and
then having worldKit show a thumbnail of each photo in the right place on
the map. As an example, check out El Oso’s photo map at http://www.el-oso.
net/travels/. You can download worldKit and find documentation and exam-
ples at
We’re going to presume you’ve already set up your RSS feed to include lati-
tude and longitude. If not, start with “Add Location to Weblogs and RSS
[Hack #38]. Once that’s done, we’ll configure the RSS 2.0 feed in both
Movable Type and Radio Userland to include a pointer to the thumbnail of
the photo you want to map. If you don’t use either of these blogging tools,
read on anyway; the same principles can be applied to any blogging system
that lets you fine-tune its RSS output. Finally, we’ll set up worldKit, and
point it at your geotagged RSS feed.

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