
Of Fairy Rings, Cathedrals, Software Architecture, and the Tallest Living Life Form on Earth

The imposing, luxuriant, and verdant groves of the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) are found today mostly in the foggy valleys along the Pacific Coast of North America from southern Oregon to just south of Monterey, California, in a strip approximately 450 miles long and 20 or so miles wide (725 by 32 km). They are the tallest living species on Earth, reaching heights of 300 to 350 feet (91 to 107 m). The tallest redwood known measures 367 feet (112 m), slightly taller than the Saturn V rocket. Redwood forests possess the largest biomass per unit area on Earth, in some stands exceeding 1,561 tons/acre (3,500 metric tons/hectare).

They ...

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