Book description
Ever walked away from a training session frustrated, tired, and angry because large portions of the session were spent trying to deal with a participant who didnt want to participate and was keen to let you know how much he or she didnt want to participate? Have you ever felt like you lost your whole group, because a couple of people were chatting away, or because someone was monopolizing the conversation, or because someone was heckling you all day? Then this Infoline is for you. It provides a checklist to help you prepare for sessions so you can anticipate trouble and plan to deal with it, stop difficult behaviors before they even start, and understand how to adjust your reactions so as to not make the situation worse. Youll also learn about some common unpleasant behaviors as well as ways to think about and handle them effectively.
Product information
- Title: Managing Difficult Participants—Training Basics
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2004
- Publisher(s): Association for Talent Development
- ISBN: None
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