Audiobook description
Ten years of riding the startup waves forced Helaine Knapp to develop grit, determination, resilience, creative problem solving, deep interpersonal skills, and her own unique leadership style. Now, she's ready to show other women how they can do the same.
With Making Waves, Helaine inspires and speaks to women who want to start something new and change their lives. If she can do it, so can they.
Not enough people are talking about how difficult it is to be a woman in business. Business is not a "man's world" anymore—it's different, emotional, and difficult.
As an in-the-spotlight female entrepreneur, Helaine Knapp navigated the twists, pivots, and multiple points of rock bottom, each time finding a way over and through.
Helaine's experiences transformed her into the person who could run a multi-faceted company . . . and start a movement.
But being a trailblazer who breaks the cycle isn't all rainbows and butterflies. In fact, most of it is quite the opposite—it's crying big tears, facing uncertainty, encountering problem after problem, and ultimately recognizing that "success" may just be admitting things aren't working and knowing it’s time to move on. The end will surprise you.
Product information
- Title: Making Waves
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2024
- Publisher(s): Ascent Audio
- ISBN: 9781663737571
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