Chapter . Endnotes

Chapter 1


Often the original innovator fails to capture the market that it creates. For an excellent analysis of this phenomenon see Markides, C.C., and P. A. Geroski. 2005. Fast second: How smart companies bypass radical innovation to enter and dominate new markets. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons.


Wylie, Ian. How Nokia has tackled the ultimate creative act: Building innovation into the company's culture. Fast Company, Vol 70, May 2003; page 46.


Stevenson, Seth. 2002. I would like to buy the world a shelf-stable children's lactic drink. The New York Times Magazine. March 10.


Tomkins, Richard. 2002. Added spice. The Financial Times. April 5.


Drucker, Peter F. 1998. The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review

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