Chapter 3. Problem Representation Design Patterns

Chapter 2 looked at design patterns that catalog the myriad ways in which inputs to machine learning models can be represented. This chapter looks at different types of machine learning problems and analyzes how the model architectures vary depending on the problem.

The input and the output types are two key factors impacting the model architecture. For instance, the output in supervised machine learning problems can vary depending on whether the problem being solved is a classification or regression problem. Special neural network layers exist for specific types of input data: convolutional layers for images, speech, text, and other data with spatiotemporal correlation, recurrent networks for sequential data, and so on. A huge literature has arisen around special techniques such as max pooling, attention, and so forth on these types of layers. In addition, special classes of solutions have been crafted for commonly occurring problems like recommendations (such as matrix factorization) or time-series forecasting (for example, ARIMA). Finally, a group of simpler models together with common idioms can be used to solve more complex problems—for example, text generation often involves a classification model whose outputs are postprocessed using a beam search algorithm.

To limit our discussion and stay away from areas of active research, we will ignore patterns and idioms associated with specialized machine learning domains. Instead, ...

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