Book description
Tame the very latest Mac OS X cat, Snow Leopard 10.6
Snow Leopard moves faster and roars louder than its predecessor, and this comprehensive guide shows you all the ways to get the most out of this powerful new cat. Explore everything from its muscular handling of applications and streaming media to its new, game-changing support of Microsoft's ActiveSync® technology. Get set up on Snow Leopard 10.6, learn professional-level security tools, and discover secret tricks and workarounds with this essential guide.
Install, set up, secure, and explore Mac OX 10.6 Snow Leopard
Connect to a network, work with MobileMe, and share files
Meet Grand Central Dispatch and jet-propel your apps with parallel processing
Get up to speed on Open CL, for faster general performance
Run Windows® applications and exchange files with Windows PCs
Go beyond the basics with AppleScript®, the Automator, and Unix® commands
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Authors
- Credits
- Introduction
I. Getting Started with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
1. Starting with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
- 1.1. Getting to Know Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
1.2. Installing Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
- 1.2.1. Checking the system requirements
- 1.2.2. Preparing for the installation
- 1.2.3. Setting up a drive for installation
- 1.2.4. Making a note of system settings
- 1.2.5. Backing up your data
- 1.2.6. Running the Mac OS X installer
- 1.2.7. Running the installer
1.2.8. Starting Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and setting up your Mac
- Welcome window
- Keyboard window
- Do You Already Own a Mac? window
- Select a Wireless Service window
- Enter Your Apple ID window
- Registration Information window
- Create Your Account window
- Select a Picture for This Account window
- Select Time Zone window
- Set the Date and Time window
- Don't Forget to Register window
- Automatically Renew MobileMe window
- Thank You window
- 1.3. Running Software Update
- 1.4. Summary
2. Exploring Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
- 2.1. Starting Up and Logging In
- 2.2. Turning Off and Logging Out
2.3. Discovering the Mac OS X Environment
- 2.3.1. Working with menus
- 2.3.2. Becoming familiar with menu bar items
2.3.3. Understanding menu bar icons
- Time Machine
- MobileMe and iSync
- Volume
- AirPort
- Time
- User
- Bluetooth
- Spotlight
- Spaces
- Input Source
- Displays
- Battery status
- Universal Access status
- Fax
- Modem
- AppleScript
- 2.3.4. Using popup menus
- 2.3.5. Using contextual menus
- 2.3.6. Recognizing menu symbols
- 2.3.7. Using keyboard shortcuts
- 2.4. Working with the Dock
- 2.5. Understanding the Desktop
- 2.6. Working with Windows
- 2.7. Recognizing Icons
- 2.8. Discovering the Finder
- 2.9. Using Gestures
- 2.10. Summary
3. Using the Finder and Searching with Spotlight
3.1. Opening and Using Finder Windows
- 3.1.1. Working with the Sidebar
- 3.1.2. Looking at the title bar
- 3.1.3. Investigating the toolbar
- 3.1.4. Looking at the bottom of the Finder window
- 3.1.5. Working with Finder view modes
- 3.1.6. Adjusting Finder preferences settings
- 3.1.7. Using Finder view menu settings
- 3.1.8. Customizing Finder windows in icon view
- 3.2. Working with Folder Actions
- 3.3. Understanding Mac OS X's Special Folders
- 3.4. Working with Disks and Other Volumes
- 3.5. Using Spotlight to Find Items
- 3.6. Summary
3.1. Opening and Using Finder Windows
- 4. Backing Up Files
5. Getting Help Inside Mac OS X
- 5.1. The Help Viewer Application
- 5.2. Navigating the Help Viewer
- 5.3. Understanding Help Tags
- 5.4. Working with Command-Line Help
- 5.5. Exploring Other Avenues of Help
- 5.6. Summary
6. Accessing Mac OS X with Universal Access
- 6.1. Setting Up Mac OS X with Universal Access
- 6.2. Setting Up Access for Assistive Devices
6.3. Enabling Visual Assistance
- 6.3.1. Hearing your Mac with VoiceOver
- 6.3.2. Automatically turning on Voice Over
- 6.3.3. The VoiceOver Quick Start
- 6.3.4. Understanding the VoiceOver keys
- 6.3.5. Hearing what's on the screen
- 6.3.6. Navigating with VoiceOver
- 6.3.7. VoiceOver help
- 6.3.8. Zooming in on the screen
- 6.3.9. Adjusting zoom options
- 6.3.10. Adjusting display options
- 6.4. Enabling Hearing Assistance
- 6.5. Enabling Keyboard Assistance
- 6.6. Enabling Mouse Assistance
6.7. Setting Up Speech Recognition
- 6.7.1. Using a microphone
- 6.7.2. Configuring speech recognition
- 6.7.3. Adjusting speech recognition settings
- 6.7.4. Using the Speech Feedback window
- 6.7.5. Investigating the Speech Commands window
- 6.7.6. Specifying active commands
- 6.7.7. Setting up the Text to Speech option
- 6.7.8. Selecting text-to-speech options
6.8. Setting Up the VoiceOver Utility
- 6.8.1. Adjusting the General settings
- 6.8.2. Adjusting the Verbosity settings
- 6.8.3. Adjusting the Speech settings
- 6.8.4. Adjusting Navigation settings
- 6.8.5. Adjusting Web settings
- 6.8.6. Adjusting Sound settings
- 6.8.7. Adjusting the Visuals settings
- 6.8.8. Adjusting the Commanders settings
- 6.8.9. Setting up Braille
- 6.9. Summary
7. Working with Applications and Documents
- 7.1. Working with Mac OS X Applications
- 7.2. Opening Applications and Documents
- 7.3. Managing Multiple Open Applications
- 7.4. Creating Documents
- 7.5. Saving Documents
- 7.6. Closing Documents
- 7.7. Moving Documents
- 7.8. Working with a Document's Content
- 7.9. Sharing Documents with Other Users
- 7.10. Quitting Applications
- 7.11. Summary
8. Working with Mac OS X Applications, Utilities, and Widgets
8.1. Touring the Applications Folder
- 8.1.1. Address Book
- 8.1.2. Automator
- 8.1.3. Calculator
- 8.1.4. Chess
- 8.1.5. Dashboard
- 8.1.6. Dictionary
- 8.1.7. DVD Player
- 8.1.8. Font Book
- 8.1.9. Front Row
- 8.1.10. iCal
- 8.1.11. iChat
- 8.1.12. Image Capture
- 8.1.13. iSync
- 8.1.14. Mail
- 8.1.15. Photo Booth
- 8.1.16. Preview
- 8.1.17. QuickTime Player
- 8.1.18. Safari
- 8.1.19. Stickies
- 8.1.20. System Preferences
- 8.1.21. TextEdit
- 8.1.22. Time Machine
8.2. Touring the Utilities Folder
- 8.2.1. Activity Monitor
- 8.2.2. AirPort Utility
- 8.2.3. AppleScript Editor
- 8.2.4. Audio MIDI Setup
- 8.2.5. Bluetooth File Exchange
- 8.2.6. Boot Camp Assistant
- 8.2.7. ColorSync Utility
- 8.2.8. Console
- 8.2.9. DigitalColor Meter
- 8.2.10. Disk Utility
- 8.2.11. Exposé
- 8.2.12. Grab
- 8.2.13. Grapher
- 8.2.14. Java Preferences
- 8.2.15. Keychain Access
- 8.2.16. Migration Assistant
- 8.2.17. Network Utility
- 8.2.18. Podcast Capture
- 8.2.19. RAID Utility
- 8.2.20. Remote Install Mac OS X
- 8.2.21. Spaces
- 8.2.22. System Profiler
- 8.2.23. Terminal
- 8.2.24. VoiceOver Utility
- 8.2.25. X11
8.3. Touring the Widgets
- 8.3.1. Managing widgets
8.3.2. Using the widgets that come with Mac OS X
- Address Book
- Business
- Calculator
- Dictionary
- Flight Tracker
- Google
- iCal
- iTunes
- Movies
- People
- Ski Resort
- Stickies
- Stocks
- Tile Game
- Translation
- Unit Converter
- Weather
- Web Clip
- Widgets
- World Clock
- 8.3.3. Adding widgets from other sources
- 8.4. Summary
8.1. Touring the Applications Folder
9. Playing Music and Videos
- 9.1. Using iTunes As Your Music Library
- 9.2. Using iTunes for Podcasts
- 9.3. Listening to Internet Radio
- 9.4. Using iTunes for TV Shows and Movies
- 9.5. Using iTunes with the iPhone and iPod Touch
- 9.6. Using iTunes with Apple TV
- 9.7. Working with QuickTime Player
- 9.8. Using Front Row
- 9.9. Summary
1. Starting with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
II. Networking and the Internet
10. Connecting to the Web
- 10.1. Connecting to the Internet
- 10.2. Browsing the Web with Safari
- 10.3. Using RSS in Safari
- 10.4. Using Other Browsers
- 10.5. Summary
11. Collaborating and Communicating
- 11.1. Setting Up Apple's Mail
- 11.2. Managing E-Mail Accounts and Mailboxes
- 11.3. Working with E-Mails
- 11.4. Using RSS Feeds in Mail
- 11.5. Working with Notes and To-Do Items in Mail
- 11.6. Using iChat
- 11.7. Using Address Book and iCal
- 11.8. Summary
- 12. Setting Up a Network
- 13. Sharing Files and Other Resources
- 14. Serving Web Pages and Files from Your Mac
- 15. Working with MobileMe
10. Connecting to the Web
III. At Work with Mac OS X
- 16. Working with Services
- 17. Printing and Faxing
- 18. Integrating with Windows
- 19. Working with Microsoft Exchange
IV. Maintaining Your Mac with OS X
- 20. Managing User Accounts
- 21. Setting System Preferences
- 22. Managing Fonts
- 23. Securing Your Mac
V. Beyond the Basics
- 24. Enhancing Mac OS X with Utilities
25. Using AppleScript and Automator
- 25.1. Understanding Messages and Events
- 25.2. Introducing AppleScript
- 25.3. Introducing AppleScript Editor
- 25.4. Creating a Simple Script
- 25.5. Analyzing a Script
- 25.6. Saving a Script
25.7. Creating a More Complex Script
- 25.7.1. Making a Finder utility
- 25.7.2. Beginning the script
- 25.7.3. Seeing the script's results
- 25.7.4. Using variables
- 25.7.5. Capitalizing script statements
- 25.7.6. Getting file information
- 25.7.7. Using parentheses
- 25.7.8. Working with an application
- 25.7.9. Performing script statements conditionally
- 25.7.10. Breaking long statements
- 25.7.11. Ending the use of an application
- 25.7.12. Trying out your script
- 25.8. Creating a Drag-and-Drop Script Application
- 25.9. Enabling the Script Menu
- 25.10. Linking Programs Across the Network
- 25.11. Automating with Automator
- 25.12. Recording Actions
- 25.13. Summary
26. Making Use of Unix
- 26.1. Introduction to Unix
- 26.2. Going Back to the Command Line Interface
- 26.3. Working with the Terminal
- 26.4. Getting Information In and Out of the Shell
- 26.5. Learning Basic Unix Commands
- 26.6. Viewing and Editing Files
- 26.7. Advanced Unix Topics
- 26.8. Writing Shell Scripts
- 26.9. Installing Additional Software
- 26.10. Using the Command Line on the Internet
- 26.11. Manipulating Images
- 26.12. Summary
- Glossary
Product information
- Title: Mac OS® X Snow Leopard™ Bible
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2009
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9780470453636
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