


tab2space { -h | -help }
tab2space [-crlf | -cr | -lf | -dos | -mac | -unix] [-tinteger | -tabs] [input_file [output_file]]

Converts tabs to spaces in text files, and also converts line endings.



Converts line endings to carriage return (CR) characters, which is the standard for Mac OS.


Converts line endings to CR/LF combinations, which is the standard for DOS and Windows. This is the default for tab2space.


Same as -crlf.

-h, -help

Prints a usage statement to standard output.


Converts line endings to linefeed (LF) characters, which is the standard for Unix.


Same as -cr.


Converts tabs to the specified number of spaces. Defaults to 4.


Disables conversion of tabs to spaces.


Same as -lf.


The file on which tab2space operates. If no input_file is specified, the command operates on standard input, and sends converted text to standard output.


The file to which tab2space sends converted output. Defaults to standard output.

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