Chapter 11. Compiling Source Code
The Xcode Tools that ship with Tiger provide a development environment for building applications with Cocoa, Carbon, Java, and even AppleScript . Xcode Tools include utilities that should be familiar to any Unix developer who works with command-line compilers . For details about obtaining these tools, see the "Xcode Tools" section in the Preface. Xcode Tools include all sorts of other goodies, including an advanced Integrated Development Environment (IDE), but coverage of those tools is beyond the scope and intent of this book. To learn more about the Xcode Tools, go to /Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation /DeveloperTools/index.html.
The C compiler that comes with Xcode is based on the Free Software Foundation’s GNU Compiler Collection, or GCC. Apple’s modifications to GCC include an Objective-C compiler, as well as various modifications to deal with the Darwin operating system. The development environment in Mac OS X includes:
- AppleScript
This is an English-like language used to script applications and the operating system. AppleScript is installed as part of the Mac OS X operating system and does not require Xcode. Instead, to write AppleScripts, use the Script Editor (/Applications/AppleScript).
- AppleScript Studio
This is a high-level development environment based on AppleScript that allows you to build GUI applications by hooking AppleScript into the Cocoa framework. If you plan to build AppleScript Studio applications, you will need ...
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