Chapter 23. Exam 102 Practice Test

Exam 102 consists of approximately 72 questions. Most are multiple-choice single-answer, a few are multiple-choice multiple-answer, and the remainder are fill-in questions. No notes or other materials are permitted, and you have 90 minutes to complete the exam. The answers are provided at the end of this chapter.


  1. What section of the online user's manual and command reference holds administrative (not user) commands? Select one.

    1. Section 1

    2. Section 2

    3. Section 8

    4. Section n

    5. Section s

  2. In the bash shell, entering the !! command has the same effect as which one of the following?

    1. Ctrl-P and Enter

    2. Ctrl-N and Enter

    3. Ctrl-U and Enter

    4. !-2

    5. !2

  3. Name the command that displays pages from the online user's manual and command reference.

  4. Which of the following commands displays the comments from a bash script? Select all that apply.

    1. find "^#" /etc/rc.d/rc.local

    2. sed '/^#/ !d' /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd

    3. grep ^# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd

    4. grep ^# /etc/passwd

    5. locate "^#" /etc/skel/.bashrc

  5. Which one of the following answers creates an environment variable VAR1, present in the environment of a bash child process?

    1. VAR1="fail" ; export VAR1

    2. VAR1="fail" \ export VAR1

    3. VAR1="fail"

    4. set VAR1="fail" ; enable VAR1

    5. export VAR1 \ VAR1="fail"

  6. Name the full path and name of the file that holds most of the information on system user groups.

  7. Which one of the following outcomes results from the following command?

    # chmod g+s /home/software
    1. The SUID bit will be set for /home/software.

    2. The SGID bit ...

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