Chapter 3. Hardware and Architecture (Topic 1.101)

This Topic requires general knowledge of fundamental PC architecture facts that you must know before attempting any operating system installation. It includes these Objectives:

Objective 1: Configure Fundamental BIOS Settings

This Objective states that candidates should be able to configure fundamental system hardware by making the correct settings in the system BIOS. This Objective includes a proper understanding of BIOS configuration issues such as the use of LBA on integrated device electronics (IDE) hard disks larger than 1024 cylinders, enabling or disabling integrated peripherals, and configuring systems with (or without) external peripherals such as keyboards. It also includes the correct setting for IRQs, DMAs, and I/O addresses for all BIOS administrated ports and settings for error handling. Weight: 1.

Objective 3: Configure Modem and Sound Cards

An LPI 101 Candidate must ensure devices meet compatibility requirements (particularly that the modem is not a winmodem). The candidate should also verify that both the modem and sound card are using unique and correct IRQs, DMAs, and I/O addresses; if the sound card is plug-and-play (PnP), install and run sndconfig and isapnp; configure the modem for outbound PPP, SLIP, and CSLIP connections; and set the serial port speeds. Weight: 1.

Objective 4: Set Up Non-IDE Devices

This Objective states that the candidate should be able to configure SCSI (pronounced "scuzzy") devices using ...

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