Kernel addresses – concept of low and high memory

The Linux kernel has its own virtual address space, as every user mode process does. The virtual address space of the kernel (1 GB sized in a 3G/1G split) is divided into two parts:

  • Low memory or LOWMEM, which is the first 896 MB
  • High memory or HIGHMEM, represented by the top 128 MB
                                           Physical mem 
       Process address space    +------> +------------+ 
                                |        |  3200 M    | 
                                |        |            | 
    4 GB +---------------+ <-----+        |  HIGH MEM  | 
        |     128 MB    |                |            | 
        +---------------+ <---------+    |            | 
        +---------------+ <------+  |    |            |  
        |     896 MB    |        |  +--> +------------+          
    3 GB +---------------+ <--+   +-----> +------------+  
        |               |    |           |   896 MB   | LOW MEM 
        |     /////     |    +---------> +------------+ 
        |               |      
    0 GB +---------------+ 

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