Long description

The vertices, V sub 1, V sub 2, V sub 3, and V sub 4, join to form a square where the vertices, V sub 1 and V sub 2, are at the top and the vertices, V sub 4 V sub 3, are at the bottom. The vertices, V sub 8, V sub 7, V sub 6, and V sub 5, are inside the vertices, V sub 1, V sub 2, V sub 3, and V sub 4. V sub 8 is connected to V sub 7 by a horizontal line at the top. V sub 7 is connected to V sub 6 by a vertical line at the right. V sub 6 is connected to V sub 5 by a horizontal line at the bottom. The vertices, V sub 8 and V sub 7, and the vertices, V sub 6 and V sub 5, are parallel to each other. The vertices, V sub 7 and V sub 6, are perpendicular to the vertices, V sub 7 and V sub 8 and V sub 6 and V sub 5, respectively. The ...

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