1. CNET, “ChoicePoint Data Theft Widens to 145,000 People,” February 18, 2005. https://www.cnet.com/news/choicepoint-data-theft-widens-to-145000-people/ (accessed April 27, 2020).

2. PC World, “ChoicePoint Details Data Breach Lessons,” June 11, 2007. https://www.pcworld.com/article/132795/article.html (accessed April 27, 2020).

3. Federal Trade Commission, “ChoicePoint Settles Data Security Breach Charges; to Pay $10 Million in Civil Penalties, $5 Million for Consumer Redress,” January 26, 2006. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2006/01/choicepoint-settles-data-security-breach-charges-pay-10-million (accessed April 27, 2020).

4. InfoWorld, “States Settle With ChoicePoint Over 2004 Breach,” May 31, 2007. https://www.infoworld.com/article/2662493/states-settle-with-choicepoint-over-2004-breach.html ...

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