Chapter 1. Jumping Right In: Some Data and Some Queries

Chapter 2 provides some background on RDF, the semantic web, and where SPARQL fits in, but before going into that, let’s start with a bit of hands-on experience writing and running SPARQL queries to keep the background part from looking too theoretical.

But first, what is SPARQL? The name is a recursive acronym for SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language, which is described by a set of specifications from the W3C.


The W3C, or World Wide Web Consortium, is the same standards body responsible for HTML, XML, and CSS.

As you can tell from the “RQL” part of its name, SPARQL is designed to query RDF, but you’re not limited to querying data stored in one of the RDF formats. Commercial and open source utilities are available to treat relational data, XML, JSON, spreadsheets, and other formats as RDF so that you can issue SPARQL queries against data in these formats—or against combinations of these sources, which is one of the most powerful aspects of the SPARQL/RDF combination.

The “Protocol” part of SPARQL’s name refers to the rules for how a client program and a SPARQL processing server exchange SPARQL queries and results. These rules are specified in a separate document from the query specification document and are mostly an issue for SPARQL processor developers. You can go far with the query language without worrying about the protocol, so this book doesn’t go into any detail about it.

The Data to Query

Chapter 2 describes more about RDF and all the things that people do with it, but to summarize: RDF isn’t a data format, but a data model with a choice of syntaxes for storing data files. In this data model, you express facts with three-part statements known as triples. Each triple is like a little sentence that states a fact. We call the three parts of the triple the subject, predicate, and object, but you can think of them as the identifier of the thing being described (the “resource”; RDF stands for “Resource Description Framework”), a property name, and a property value:

subject (resource identifier)predicate (property name)object (property value)
richardhomeTel(229) 276-5135

The ex002.ttl file below has some triples expressed using the Turtle RDF format. (We’ll learn about Turtle and other formats in Chapter 2.) This file stores address book data using triples that make statements such as “richard’s homeTel value is (229) 276-5135” and “cindy’s email value is” RDF has no problem with assigning multiple values for a given property to a given resource, as you can see in this file, which shows that Craig has two email addresses:

# filename: ex002.ttl

@prefix ab: <> .

ab:richard ab:homeTel "(229) 276-5135" . 
ab:richard ab:email   "" . 

ab:cindy ab:homeTel "(245) 646-5488" . 
ab:cindy ab:email   "" . 

ab:craig ab:homeTel "(194) 966-1505" . 
ab:craig ab:email   "" . 
ab:craig ab:email   "" .

Like a sentence written in English, Turtle (and SPARQL) triples usually end with a period. The spaces you see before the periods above are not necessary, but are a common practice to make the data easier to read. As we’ll see when we learn about the use of semicolons and commas to write more concise datasets, an extra space is often added before these as well.


Comments in Turtle data and SPARQL queries begin with the hash (#) symbol. Each query and sample data file in this book begins with a comment showing the file’s name so that you can easily find it in the ZIP file of the book’s sample data.

The first nonblank line of the data above, after the comment about the filename, is also a triple ending with a period. It tells us that the prefix “ab” will stand in for the URI, just as an XML document might tell us with the attribute setting xmlns:ab="". An RDF triple’s subject and predicate must each belong to a particular namespace in order to prevent confusion between similar names if we ever combine this data with other data, so we represent them with URIs. Prefixes save you the trouble of writing out the full namespace URIs over and over.

A URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier. URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), also known as web addresses, are one kind of URI. A locator helps you find something, like a web page (for example,, and an identifier identifies something. So, for example, the unique identifier for Richard in my address book dataset is A URI may look like a URL, and there may actually be a web page at that address, but there might not be; its primary job is to provide a unique name for something, not to tell you about a web page where you can send your browser.

Querying the Data

A SPARQL query typically says “I want these pieces of information from the subset of the data that meets these conditions.” You describe the conditions with triple patterns, which are similar to RDF triples but may include variables to add flexibility in how they match against the data. Our first queries will have simple triple patterns, and we’ll build from there to more complex ones.

The following ex003.rq file has our first SPARQL query, which we’ll run against the ex002.ttl address book data shown above.


The SPARQL Query Language specification recommends that files storing SPARQL queries have an extension of .rq, in lowercase.

The following query has a single triple pattern, shown in bold, to indicate the subset of the data we want. This triple pattern ends with a period, like a Turtle triple, and has a subject of ab:craig, a predicate of ab:email, and a variable in the object position.

A variable is like a powerful wildcard. In addition to telling the query engine that triples with any value at all in that position are OK to match this triple pattern, the values that show up there get stored in the ?craigEmail variable so that we can use them elsewhere in the query:

# filename: ex003.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?craigEmail
{ ab:craig ab:email ?craigEmail . }

This particular query is doing this to ask for any ab:email values associated with the resource ab:craig. In plain English, it’s asking for any email addresses associated with Craig.


Spelling SPARQL query keywords such as PREFIX, SELECT, and WHERE in uppercase is only a convention. You may spell them in lowercase or in mixed case.


In a set of data triples or a set of query triple patterns, the period after the last one is optional, so the single triple pattern above doesn’t really need it. Including it is a good habit, though, because adding new triple patterns after it will be simpler. In this book’s examples, you will occasionally see a single triple pattern between curly braces with no period at the end.

As illustrated in Figure 1-1, a SPARQL query’s WHERE clause says “pull this data out of the dataset,” and the SELECT part names which parts of that pulled data you actually want to see.

WHERE specifies data to pull out; SELECT picks which data to display

Figure 1-1. WHERE specifies data to pull out; SELECT picks which data to display

What information does the query above select from the triples that match its single triple pattern? Anything that got assigned to the ?craigEmail variable.


As with any programming or query language, a variable name should give a clue about the variable’s purpose. Instead of calling this variable ?craigEmail, I could have called it ?zxzwzyx, but that would make it more difficult for human readers to understand the query.

A variety of SPARQL processors are available for running queries against both local and remote data. (You will hear the terms SPARQL processor and SPARQL engine, but they mean the same thing: a program that can apply a SPARQL query against a set of data and let you know the result.) For queries against a data file on your own hard disk, the free, Java-based program ARQ makes it pretty simple. ARQ is part of the Apache Jena framework, so to get it, follow the Downloads link from ARQ’s homepage at and download the binary file whose name has the format apache-jena-*.zip. Unzipping this will create a subdirectory with a name similar to the ZIP file name; this is your Jena home directory. Windows users will find arq.bat and sparql.bat scripts in a bat subdirectory of the home directory, and users with Linux-based systems will find arq and sparql shell scripts in the home directory’s bin subdirectory. (The former of each pair enables the use of ARQ extensions unless you tell it otherwise. Although I don’t use the extensions much, I tend to use that script simply because its name is shorter.)

On either a Windows or Linux-based system, add that directory to your path, create an environment variable called JENA_HOME that stores the name of the Jena home directory, and you’re all set to use ARQ. On either type of system, you can then run the ex003.rq query against the ex002.ttl data with the following command at your shell prompt or Windows command line:

arq --data ex002.ttl --query ex003.rq


Running either ARQ script with a single parameter of --help lists all the other command-line parameters that you can use with it.

ARQ’s default output format shows the name of each selected variable across the top and lines drawn around each variable’s results using the hyphen, equals, and pipe symbols:

| craigEmail                   |
| "" |
| ""       |

The following revision of the ex003.rq query uses full URIs to express the subject and predicate of the query’s single triple pattern instead of prefixed names. It’s essentially the same query, and gets the same answer from ARQ:

# filename: ex006.rq

SELECT ?craigEmail
  ?craigEmail . 

The differences between this query and the first one demonstrate two things:

  • You don’t need to use prefixes in your query, but they can make the query more compact and easier to read than one that uses full URIs. When you do use a full URI, enclose it in angle brackets to show the processor that it’s a URI.

  • Whitespace doesn’t affect SPARQL syntax. The new query has carriage returns separating the triple pattern’s three parts and still works just fine.


The formatting of this book’s query examples follow the conventions in the SPARQL specification, which aren’t particularly consistent anyway. In general, important keywords such as SELECT and WHERE go on a new line. A pair of curly braces and their contents are written on a single line if they fit there (typically, if the contents consist of a single triple pattern, like in the ex003.rq query) and are otherwise broken out with each curly brace on its own line, like in example ex006.rq.

The ARQ command above specified the data to query on the command line. SPARQL’s FROM keyword lets you specify the dataset to query as part of the query itself. If you omitted the --data ex002.ttl parameter shown in that ARQ command line and used this next query, you’d get the same result, because the FROM keyword names the ex002.ttl data source right in the query:

# filename: ex007.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?craigEmail FROM <ex002.ttl>
{ ab:craig ab:email ?craigEmail . }

(The angle brackets around “ex002.ttl” tell the SPARQL processor to treat it as a URI. Because it’s just a filename and not a full URI, ARQ assumes that it’s a file in the same directory as the query itself.)


If you specify one dataset to query with the FROM keyword and another when you actually call the SPARQL processor (or, as the SPARQL query specification says, “in a SPARQL protocol request”), the one specified in the protocol request overrides the one specified in the query.

The queries we’ve seen so far had a variable in the triple pattern’s object position (the third position), but you can put them in any or all of the three positions. For example, let’s say someone called my phone from the number (229) 276-5135, and I didn’t answer. I want to know who tried to call me, so I create the following query for my address book dataset, putting a variable in the subject position instead of the object position:

# filename: ex008.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?person
{ ?person ab:homeTel "(229) 276-5135" . }

When I have ARQ run this query against the ex002.ttl address book data, it gives me this response:

| person     |
| ab:richard |

Triple patterns in queries often have more than one variable. For example, I could list everything in my address book about Cindy with the following query, which has a ?propertyName variable in the predicate position and a ?propertyValue variable in the object position of its one triple pattern:

# filename: ex010.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?propertyName ?propertyValue
{ ab:cindy ?propertyName ?propertyValue . }

The query’s SELECT clause asks for values of the ?propertyName and ?propertyValue variables, and ARQ shows them as a table with a column for each one:

| propertyName | propertyValue      |
| ab:email     | "" |
| ab:homeTel   | "(245) 646-5488"   |


Out of habit from writing relational database queries, experienced SQL users might put commas between variable names in the SELECT part of their SPARQL queries, but this will cause an error.

More Realistic Data and Matching on Multiple Triples

In most RDF data, the subjects of the triples won’t be names that are so understandable to the human eye, like the ex002.ttl dataset’s ab:richard and ab:cindy resource names. They’re more likely to be identifiers assigned by some process, similar to the values a relational database assigns to a table’s unique ID field. Instead of storing someone’s name as part of the subject URI, as our first set of sample data did, more typical RDF triples would have subject values that make no human-readable sense outside of their important role as unique identifiers. First and last name values would then be stored using separate triples, just like the homeTel and email values were stored in the sample dataset.

Another unrealistic detail of ex002.ttl is the way that resource identifiers like ab:richard and property names like ab:homeTel come from the same namespace—in this case, the namespace that the ab: prefix represents. A vocabulary of property names typically has its own namespace to make it easier to use it with other sets of data.


When working with RDF, a vocabulary is a set of terms stored using a standard format that people can reuse.

When we revise the sample data to use realistic resource identifiers, to store first and last names as property values, and to put the data values in their own separate namespace, we get this set of sample data:

# filename: ex012.ttl

@prefix ab: <> .
@prefix d:  <> .

d:i0432 ab:firstName "Richard" . 
d:i0432 ab:lastName  "Mutt" . 
d:i0432 ab:homeTel   "(229) 276-5135" .
d:i0432 ab:email     "" . 

d:i9771 ab:firstName "Cindy" . 
d:i9771 ab:lastName  "Marshall" . 
d:i9771 ab:homeTel   "(245) 646-5488" . 
d:i9771 ab:email     "" . 

d:i8301 ab:firstName "Craig" . 
d:i8301 ab:lastName  "Ellis" . 
d:i8301 ab:email     "" . 
d:i8301 ab:email     "" .

The query to find Craig’s email addresses would then look like this:

# filename: ex013.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?craigEmail
  ?person ab:firstName "Craig" . 
  ?person ab:email ?craigEmail . 


Although the query uses a ?person variable, this variable isn’t in the list of variables to SELECT (a list of just one variable, ?craigEmail, in this query) because we’re not interested in the ?person variable’s value. We’re just using it to tie together the two triple patterns in the WHERE clause. If the SPARQL processor finds a triple with a predicate of ab:firstName and an object of “Craig”, it will assign (or bind) the URI in the subject of that triple to the variable ?person. Then, wherever else ?person appears in the query, it will look for triples that have that URI there.

Let’s say that our SPARQL processor has looked through our address book dataset triples and found a match for that first triple pattern in the query: the triple {ab:i8301 ab:firstName "Craig"}. It will bind the value ab:i8301 to the ?person variable, because ?person is in the subject position of that first triple pattern, just as ab:i8301 is in the subject position of the triple that the processor found in the dataset to match this triple pattern.


When referring to a triple in the middle of a sentence, like in the first sentence of the above paragraph, I usually wrap it in curly braces to show that the three pieces go together.

For queries like ex013.rq that have more than one triple pattern, once a query processor has found a match for one triple pattern, it moves on to the query’s other triple patterns to see if they also have matches, but only if it can find a set of triples that match the set of triple patterns as a unit. This query’s one remaining triple pattern has the ?person and ?craigEmail variables in the subject and object positions, but the processor won’t go looking for a triple with any old value in the subject, because the ?person variable already has ab:i8301 bound to it. So, it looks for a triple with that as the subject, a predicate of ab:email, and any value in the object position, because this second triple pattern introduces a new variable there: ?craigEmail. If the processor finds a triple that fits this pattern, it will bind that triple’s object to the ?craigEmail variable, which is the variable that the query’s SELECT clause is asking for.

As it turns out, two triples in ex012.ttl have d:i8301 as a subject and ab:email as a predicate, so the query returns two ?craigEmail values: “” and “”.

| craigEmail                   |
| "" |
| ""       |


A set of triple patterns between curly braces in a SPARQL query is known as a graph pattern. Graph is the technical term for a set of RDF triples. While there are utilities to turn an RDF graph into a picture, it doesn’t refer to a graph in the visual sense, but as a data structure. A graph is like a tree data structure without the hierarchy—any node can connect to any other one. In an RDF graph, nodes represent subject or object resources, and the predicates are the connections between those nodes.

The ex013.rq query used the ?person variable in two different triple patterns to find connected triples in the data being queried. As queries get more complex, this technique of using a variable to connect up different triple patterns becomes more common. When you progress to querying data that comes from multiple sources, you’ll find that this ability to find connections between triples from different sources is one of SPARQL’s best features.

If your address book had more than one Craig, and you specifically wanted the email addresses of Craig Ellis, you would just add one more triple to the pattern:

# filename: ex015.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?craigEmail
  ?person ab:firstName "Craig" . 
  ?person ab:lastName  "Ellis" . 
  ?person ab:email ?craigEmail . 

This gives us the same answer that we saw before.

Let’s say that my phone showed me that someone at “(229) 276-5135” had called me and I used the same ex008.rq query about that number that I used before—but this time, I queried the more detailed ex012.ttl data instead. The result would show me the subject of the triple that had ab:homeTel as a predicate and “(229) 276-5135” as an object, just as the query asks for:

| person                                    |
| <> |

If I really want to know who called me, “” isn’t a very helpful answer.


Although the ex008.rq query doesn’t return a very human-readable answer from the ex012.ttl dataset, we just took a query designed around one set of data and used it with a different set that had a different structure, and we at least got a sensible answer instead of an error. This is rare among standardized query languages and one of SPARQL’s great strengths: queries aren’t as closely tied to specific data structures as they are with a query language like SQL.

What I want is the first and last name of the person with that phone number, so this next query asks for that:

# filename: ex017.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?first ?last
  ?person ab:homeTel "(229) 276-5135" . 
  ?person ab:firstName ?first . 
  ?person ab:lastName  ?last . 

ARQ responds with a more readable answer:

| first     | last   |
| "Richard" | "Mutt" |

Revising our query to find out everything about Cindy in the ex012.ttl data is similar: we ask for all the predicates and objects (stored in the ?propertyName and ?propertyValue variables) associated with the subject that has an ab:firstName of “Cindy” and an ab:lastName of “Marshall”:

# filename: ex019.rq

PREFIX a: <> 

SELECT ?propertyName ?propertyValue 
{  ?person a:firstName "Cindy" . 
  ?person a:lastName  "Marshall" . 
  ?person ?propertyName ?propertyValue . 

In the response, note that the values from the ex012.ttl file’s new ab:firstName and ab:lastName properties appear in the ?propertyValue column. In other words, their values got bound to the ?propertyValue variable, just like the ab:email and ab:homeTel values:

| propertyName | propertyValue      |
| a:email      | "" |
| a:homeTel    | "(245) 646-5488"   |
| a:lastName   | "Marshall"         |
| a:firstName  | "Cindy"            |


The a: prefix used in the ex019.rq query was different from the ab: prefix used in the ex012.ttl data being queried, but ab:firstName in the data and a:firstName in this query still refer to the same thing: What matters are the URIs represented by the prefixes, not the prefixes themselves, and this query and this dataset happen to use different prefixes to represent the same namespace.

Searching for Strings

What if you want to check for a piece of data, but you don’t even know what subject or property might have it? The following query only has one triple pattern, and all three parts are variables, so it’s going to match every triple in the input dataset. It won’t return them all, though, because it has something new called a FILTER that instructs the query processor to only pass along triples that meet a certain condition. In this FILTER, the condition is specified using regex(), a function that checks for strings matching a certain pattern. (We’ll learn more about FILTERs in Chapter 3 and regex() in Chapter 5.) This particular call to regex() checks whether the object of each matched triple has the string “yahoo” anywhere in it:

# filename: ex021.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

  ?s ?p ?o . 
  FILTER (regex(?o, "yahoo","i"))


It’s a common SPARQL convention to use ?s as a variable name for a triple pattern subject, ?p for a predicate, and ?o for an object.

The query processor finds a single triple that has “yahoo” in its object value:

| s                                         | p        | o                      |
| <> | ab:email | "" |

Something else new in this query is the use of the asterisk instead of a list of specific variables in the SELECT list. This is just a shorthand way to say “SELECT all variables that get bound in this query.” As you can see, the output has a column for each variable used in the WHERE clause.


This use of the asterisk in a SELECT list is handy when you’re doing a few ad hoc queries to explore a dataset or trying out some ideas as you build to a more complex query.

What Could Go Wrong?

Let’s modify a copy of the ex015.rq query that asked for Craig Ellis’s email addresses to also ask for his home phone number. (If you review the ex012.ttl data, you’ll see that Richard and Cindy have ab:homeTel values, but not Craig.)

# filename: ex023.rq

PREFIX ab: <> 

SELECT ?craigEmail ?homeTel
  ?person ab:firstName "Craig" . 
  ?person ab:lastName  "Ellis" . 
  ?person ab:email ?craigEmail . 
  ?person ab:homeTel ?homeTel .

When I ask ARQ to apply this query to the ex012.ttl data, it gives me headers for the variables I asked for but no data underneath them:

| craigEmail | homeTel |

Why? The query asked the SPARQL processor for the email address and phone number of anyone who meets the four conditions listed in the graph pattern. Even though resource ab:i8301 meets the first three conditions (that is, the data has triples with ab:i8301 as a subject that matched the first three triple patterns), no resource in the data meets all four conditions because no one with an ab:firstName of “Craig” and an ab:lastName of “Ellis” has an ab:homeTel value. So, the SPARQL processor didn’t return any data.

In Chapter 3, we’ll learn about SPARQL’s OPTIONAL keyword, which lets you make requests like “Show me the ?craigEmail value and, if it’s there, the ?homeTel value as well.”


Without the OPTIONAL keyword, a SPARQL processor will only return data for a graph pattern if it can match every single triple pattern in that graph pattern.

Querying a Public Data Source

Querying data on your own hard drive is useful, but the real fun of SPARQL begins when you query public data sources. You need no special software, because these data collections are often made publicly available through a SPARQL endpoint, which is a web service that accepts SPARQL queries.

The most popular SPARQL endpoint is DBpedia, a collection of data from the gray infoboxes of fielded data that you often see on the right side of Wikipedia pages. Like many SPARQL endpoints, DBpedia includes a web form where you can enter a query and then explore the results, making it very easy to explore its data. DBpedia uses a program called SNORQL to accept these queries and return the answers on a web page. If you send a browser to, you’ll see a form where you can enter a query and select the format of the results you want to see, as shown in Figure 1-2. For our experiments, we’ll stick with “Browse” as our result format.

I want DBpedia to give me a list of albums produced by the hip-hop producer Timbaland and the artists who made those albums. If Wikipedia has a page for “Some Topic” at, the DBpedia URI to represent that resource is usually So, after finding the Wikipedia page for the producer at, I sent a browser to I found plenty of data there, so I knew that this was the right URI to represent him in queries. (The browser was actually redirected to, because when a browser asks for the information, DBpedia redirects it to the HTML version of the data.) This URI will represent him just like (or its shorter, prefixed name version, d:i8301) represents Craig Ellis in ex012.ttl.

DBpedia’s SNORQL web form

Figure 1-2. DBpedia’s SNORQL web form

I now see on the upper half of the SNORQL query in Figure 1-2 that is already declared with a prefix of just “:”, so I know that I can refer to the producer as :Timbaland in my query.


A namespace prefix can simply be a colon. This is popular for namespaces that are used often in a particular document because the reduced clutter makes it easier for human eyes to read.

The producer and musicalArtist properties that I plan to use in my query are from the namespace, which is not declared on the SNORQL query input form, so I included a declaration for it in my query:

# filename: ex025.rq

PREFIX d: <>

SELECT ?artist ?album 
  ?album d:producer :Timbaland .
  ?album d:musicalArtist ?artist . 

This query pulls out triples about albums produced by Timbaland and the artists listed for those albums, and it asks for the values that got bound to the ?artist and ?album variables. When I replace the default query on the SNORQL web page with this one and click the Go button, SNORQL displays the results to me underneath the query, as shown in Figure 1-3.

SNORQL displaying results of a query

Figure 1-3. SNORQL displaying results of a query

The scroll bar on the right shows that this list of results is only the beginning of a much longer list, and even that may not be complete—remember, Wikipedia is maintained by volunteers, and while there are some quality assurance efforts in place, they are dwarfed by the scale of the data to work with.

Also note that it didn’t give us the actual names of the albums or artists, but names mixed with punctuation and various codes. Remember how :Timbaland in my query was an abbreviation of a full URI representing the producer? Names such as :Bj%C3%B6rk and :Cry_Me_a_River_%28Justin_Timberlake_song%29 in the result are abbreviations of URIs as well. These artists and songs have their own Wikipedia pages and associated data, and the associated data includes more readable versions of the names that we can ask for in a query. We’ll learn about the rdfs:label property that often stores these more readable labels in Chapters 2 and 3.


In this chapter, we learned:

  • What SPARQL is

  • The basics of RDF

  • The meaning and role of URIs

  • The parts of a simple SPARQL query

  • How to execute a SPARQL query with ARQ

  • How the same variable in multiple triple patterns can connect up the data in different triples

  • What can lead to a query returning nothing

  • What SPARQL endpoints are and how to query the most popular one, DBpedia

Later chapters describe how to create more complex queries, how to modify data, how to build applications around your queries, the potential role of inferencing, and the technology’s roots in the semantic web world, but if you can execute the queries shown in this chapter, you’re ready to put SPARQL to work for you.

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