Chapter 11. Cloud Infrastructure, DevOps, and Monitoring in Azure

We should never doubt, diminish, or dismiss the value and importance of people—their ability to think will always eclipse the capability of your tools.

Andrew Urwin, Microsoft Azure MVP and Director of Platform and DX at Clue Software

Written by the author with contributions from Andrew Urwin, Engineering Leader, DevOps Evangelist, and Microsoft Azure MVP; and Freek Berson, author of Getting Started with Bicep: Infrastructure as Code on Azure and Microsoft MVP for Azure and Enterprise Mobility


In this chapter, you will learn more about how Azure can be used with its different tools and services for IT operations, cloud development, collaboration, automation, and more. After you have learned about Azure’s various cloud integration tools and services, you will learn more about cloud infrastructure automation tools, modern DevOps practices, building with cloud-native infrastructure, and monitoring in Azure.

Cloud-Native Infrastructure

IT infrastructure refers to all the components needed to operate and manage IT environments. It can include data centers, web servers, databases, applications, or any physical resources needed to keep IT systems running. Moreover, an organization’s IT infrastructure can be hosted on premises, natively in the cloud, or both.

When you have an on-premises infrastructure, you must deal with the hassles of the up-front costs (CapEx) of physical IT infrastructure. When ...

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