Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Book description

With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. If you want to keep your code efficient, more manageable, and up-to-date with the latest best practices, this book is for you.

Explore many popular design patterns, including Modules, Observers, Facades, and Mediators. Learn how modern architectural patterns—such as MVC, MVP, and MVVM—are useful from the perspective of a modern web application developer. This book also walks experienced JavaScript developers through modern module formats, how to namespace code effectively, and other essential topics.

  • Learn the structure of design patterns and how they are written
  • Understand different pattern categories, including creational, structural, and behavioral
  • Walk through more than 20 classical and modern design patterns in JavaScript
  • Use several options for writing modular code—including the Module pattern, Asyncronous Module Definition (AMD), and CommonJS
  • Discover design patterns implemented in the jQuery library
  • Learn popular design patterns for writing maintainable jQuery plug-ins

"This book should be in every JavaScript developer’s hands. It’s the go-to book on JavaScript patterns that will be read and referenced many times in the future."—Andrée Hansson, Lead Front-End Developer, presis!

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Table of contents

  1. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
  2. Preface
    1. Target Audience
    2. Credits
    3. Reading
    4. Conventions Used in This Book
    5. Using Code Examples
    6. Safari® Books Online
    7. How to Contact Us
    8. Acknowledgments
  3. 1. Introduction
  4. 2. What Is a Pattern?
    1. We Already Use Patterns Every Day
  5. 3. “Pattern”-ity Testing, Proto-Patterns, and the Rule of Three
  6. 4. The Structure of a Design Pattern
  7. 5. Writing Design Patterns
  8. 6. Anti-Patterns
  9. 7. Categories of Design Patterns
    1. Creational Design Patterns
    2. Structural Design Patterns
    3. Behavioral Design Patterns
  10. 8. Design Pattern Categorization
    1. A Brief Note on Classes
  11. 9. JavaScript Design Patterns
    1. The Constructor Pattern
      1. Object Creation
      2. Basic Constructors
      3. Constructors with Prototypes
    2. The Module Pattern
      1. Object Literals
      2. The Module Pattern
        1. Privacy
        2. History
        3. Examples
      3. Module Pattern Variations
        1. Import mixins
        2. Exports
        3. Toolkit and framework-specific module pattern implementations
          1. Dojo
          2. ExtJS
          3. YUI
          4. jQuery
        4. Advantages
        5. Disadvantages
    3. The Revealing Module Pattern
      1. Advantages
      2. Disadvantages
    4. The Singleton Pattern
    5. The Observer Pattern
      1. Differences Between the Observer and Publish/Subscribe Pattern
      2. Advantages
      3. Disadvantages
      4. Publish/Subscribe Implementations
        1. A Publish/Subscribe implementation
        2. Using our implementation
        3. User-interface notifications
        4. Decoupling applications using Ben Alman’s Pub/Sub implementation
        5. Decoupling an Ajax-based jQuery application
    6. The Mediator Pattern
      1. Basic Implementation
      2. Advanced Implementation
      3. Example
      4. Advantages and Disadvantages
      5. Mediator Versus Observer
      6. Mediator Versus Facade
    7. The Prototype Pattern
    8. The Command Pattern
    9. The Facade Pattern
      1. Notes on Abstraction
    10. The Factory Pattern
      1. When to Use the Factory Pattern
      2. When Not to Use the Factory Pattern
      3. Abstract Factories
    11. The Mixin Pattern
    12. Subclassing
    13. Mixins
      1. Advantages and Disadvantages
    14. The Decorator Pattern
    15. Pseudoclassical Decorators
      1. Interfaces
      2. Abstract Decorators
    16. Decorators with jQuery
    17. Advantages and Disadvantages
    18. Flyweight
      1. Using Flyweights
      2. Flyweights and Sharing Data
      3. Implementing Classical Flyweights
        1. Duck punching “implements”
      4. Converting Code to Use the Flyweight Pattern
      5. A Basic Factory
      6. Managing the Extrinsic States
      7. The Flyweight Pattern and the DOM
  12. 10. JavaScript MV* Patterns
    1. MVC
      1. Smalltalk-80 MVC
    2. MVC for JavaScript Developers
      1. Models
        1. Templating
      3. Controllers
      4. Controllers in Another Library (Spine.js) Versus Backbone.js
        1. Spine.js
        2. Backbone.js
    3. What Does MVC Give Us?
    4. Smalltalk-80 MVC in JavaScript
      1. Delving Deeper
      2. Summary
    5. MVP
      1. Models, Views, and Presenters
      2. MVP or MVC?
      3. MVC, MVP, and Backbone.js
    6. MVVM
      1. History
      2. Model
      3. View
      4. ViewModel
      5. Recap: The View and the ViewModel
      6. Recap: The ViewModel and the Model
    7. Pros and Cons
      1. Advantages
      2. Disadvantages
    8. MVVM with Looser Data Bindings
    9. MVC Versus MVP Versus MVVM
    10. Backbone.js Versus KnockoutJS
  13. 11. Modern Modular JavaScript Design Patterns
    1. A Note on Script Loaders
    2. AMD
      1. Getting Started with Modules
      2. AMD Modules with Dojo
      3. AMD Module Design Patterns (Dojo)
      4. AMD Modules with jQuery
        1. Registering jQuery as an Async-compatible module
        2. Why AMD is a better choice for writing modular JavaScript
        3. Related reading
        4. Script loaders and frameworks that support AMD
      5. AMD Conclusions
    3. CommonJS
      1. Getting Started
      2. Consuming Multiple Dependencies
      3. Loaders and Frameworks that Support CommonJS
      4. Is CommonJS Suitable for the Browser?
      5. Related Reading
    4. AMD and CommonJS: Competing, but Equally Valid Standards
      1. UMD: AMD and CommonJS-Compatible Modules for Plug-ins
        1. Basic AMD hybrid format
        2. Using CommonJS, AMD, or browser globals to create a module
        3. jQuery plug-ins that function in all environments
        4. Further reading
    5. ES Harmony
      1. Modules with Imports and Exports
      2. Modules Loaded from Remote Sources
      3. Module Loader API
      4. CommonJS-like Modules for the Server
      5. Classes with Constructors, Getters, and Setters
      6. ES Harmony Conclusions
      7. Related Reading
    6. Conclusions
  14. 12. Design Patterns in jQuery
    1. The Composite Pattern
    2. The Adapter Pattern
    3. The Facade Pattern
    4. The Observer Pattern
    5. The Iterator Pattern
    6. Lazy Initialization
    7. The Proxy Pattern
    8. The Builder Pattern
  15. 13. jQuery Plug-in Design Patterns
    1. Patterns
    2. A Lightweight Start Pattern
      1. Further Reading
    3. Complete Widget Factory Pattern
      1. Further Reading
    4. Nested Namespacing Plug-in Pattern
      1. Further Reading
    5. Custom Events Plug-in Pattern (with the Widget Factory)
      1. Further Reading
    6. Prototypal Inheritance with the DOM-to-Object Bridge Pattern
      1. Further Reading
    7. jQuery UI Widget Factory Bridge Pattern
      1. Further Reading
    8. jQuery Mobile Widgets with the Widget Factory
    9. RequireJS and the jQuery UI Widget Factory
      1. Usage
      2. Further Reading
    10. Globally and Per-Call Overridable Options (Best Options Pattern)
      1. Further Reading
    11. A Highly Configurable and Mutable Plug-in Pattern
      1. Further Reading
    12. What Makes a Good Plug-in Beyond Patterns?
      1. Quality
      2. Code Style
      3. Compatibility
      4. Reliability
      5. Performance
      6. Documentation
      7. Likelihood of maintenance
    13. Conclusions
    14. Namespacing Patterns
    15. Namespacing Fundamentals
      1. Single Global Variables
      2. Prefix Namespacing
      3. Object Literal Notation
      4. Nested Namespacing
      5. Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)s
      6. Namespace Injection
    16. Advanced Namespacing Patterns
      1. Automating Nested Namespacing
      2. Dependency Declaration Pattern
      3. Deep Object Extension
      4. Recommendation
  16. 14. Conclusions
  17. A. References
  18. Index
  19. About the Author
  20. Colophon
  21. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
  • Author(s): Addy Osmani
  • Release date: July 2012
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781449334871