Video description
Discover the simplicity and power of Groovy.
Groovy is a powerful, multi-faceted language for the Java platform that integrates smoothly with any Java program. In this course, you'll see how writing anything—from a simple build script to a full-scale application—is much easier with Groovy than with Java. Discover the many advantages of adding Groovy to projects written in Java and other object-oriented languages.
Table of contents
- Welcome
- Groovy and Other Non-Java Languages On The JVM
- Installing Groovy
- Running a "Hello, World" Script
- Running Groovy from Java
- Asserts, Imports, and Def
- Integer and Floating Point Types
- Operator Overloading
- Strings and Groovy Strings
- Multiline Strings and the "Slashy" String Syntax for Regular Expressions
- A Lot of Power From Little Code
- Groovy Ranges and Lists
- Maps and Sets
- Iterating Using Closures
- Transforming Collections with the Collect Method
- Demo: Accessing the Google Geocoder Web Service
- Demo: Accessing the ICNDB Web Service
- Safe Navigation, Spaceship Operator, and Elvis
- Demo: Sorting Strings
- Demo: Summing Numbers
- Demo: Closures As A Filter
- Demo: Processing Web Pages
- Demo: Printing Padded Binary Strings
- A Quick Groovy Review
- Using Groovy POGOs in a Java Banking Example
- Using XmlSlurper and JsonSlurper
- Builders
- Demo: Using Flickr's API to Display Pictures
- Demo: Open Weather
- The Metaclass/Adding Properties and Methods
- Categories
- Demo: Enhancing Existing Java Classes
- Demo: Extra Logging Levels
- Introduction to AST Transforms
- @Delegate
- @Immutable
- @Singleton
- @Sortable
- @Builder, @TypeChecked, @Compile AST Transformations Wrap Up
- Methods on Collections
- Methods on Strings and Numbers
- Combinations and Permutations
- File I/O
- How Operators Map to Methods and Examples from the Groovy Libraries
- Adding Operator Methods
- Accessing Databases
- CRUD Methods
- Calling Stored Procedures
- A Quick Groovy Review
- Introduction to Spock
- Blocks: expect
- Blocks: when/then
- Blocks: setup, cleanup, the old Method, and Exception Handling
- Data-Driven Specs
- Database-Driven Specs and Processed Inputs
- Mocking Collaborators
- POGOs as Spring Beans
- Refreshable Beans
- Groovy Aspects and Inline Scripted Beans
- Grails and Spring
- Groovy and Spring Boot
- JPA and Groovy
- NoSQL and Groovy
- Closures, Lambdas, and Currying
- Map-filter-reduce and Inject
- Immutable Objects
- Composition, Method References, and Memoize
- Trait Basics
- Multiple Traits, Traits with Properties, Conflicts, Runtime Traits, and Other Features
- Demo: Creating a Range
- Demo: Basic Authentication
- Demo: Closure Coercion
- Demo: Returning from Closures
- Demo: Dates and Times
- REST Principles
- Groovy Clients for REST
- Implementing RESTful Services Using JAX-RS
- Customizing Messages with JsonBuilder and JsonSlurper
- REST with Ratpack and Grails
- Course Wrap Up
Product information
- Title: Learning Groovy
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2016
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781491941324
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