Learning Groovy

Video description

Discover the simplicity and power of Groovy.

Groovy is a powerful, multi-faceted language for the Java platform that integrates smoothly with any Java program. In this course, you'll see how writing anything—from a simple build script to a full-scale application—is much easier with Groovy than with Java. Discover the many advantages of adding Groovy to projects written in Java and other object-oriented languages.

Table of contents

  1. Welcome
  2. Groovy and Other Non-Java Languages On The JVM
  3. Installing Groovy
  4. Running a "Hello, World" Script
  5. Running Groovy from Java
  6. Asserts, Imports, and Def
  7. Integer and Floating Point Types
  8. Operator Overloading
  9. Strings and Groovy Strings
  10. Multiline Strings and the "Slashy" String Syntax for Regular Expressions
  11. A Lot of Power From Little Code
  12. Groovy Ranges and Lists
  13. Maps and Sets
  14. Iterating Using Closures
  15. Transforming Collections with the Collect Method
  16. Demo: Accessing the Google Geocoder Web Service
  17. Demo: Accessing the ICNDB Web Service
  18. Safe Navigation, Spaceship Operator, and Elvis
  19. Demo: Sorting Strings
  20. Demo: Summing Numbers
  21. Demo: Closures As A Filter
  22. Demo: Processing Web Pages
  23. Demo: Printing Padded Binary Strings
  24. A Quick Groovy Review
  25. Using Groovy POGOs in a Java Banking Example
  26. Using XmlSlurper and JsonSlurper
  27. Builders
  28. Demo: Using Flickr's API to Display Pictures
  29. Demo: Open Weather
  30. The Metaclass/Adding Properties and Methods
  31. Categories
  32. Demo: Enhancing Existing Java Classes
  33. Demo: Extra Logging Levels
  34. Introduction to AST Transforms
  35. @Delegate
  36. @Immutable
  37. @Singleton
  38. @Sortable
  39. @Builder, @TypeChecked, @Compile AST Transformations Wrap Up
  40. Methods on Collections
  41. Methods on Strings and Numbers
  42. Combinations and Permutations
  43. File I/O
  44. How Operators Map to Methods and Examples from the Groovy Libraries
  45. Adding Operator Methods
  46. Accessing Databases
  47. CRUD Methods
  48. Calling Stored Procedures
  49. A Quick Groovy Review
  50. Introduction to Spock
  51. Blocks: expect
  52. Blocks: when/then
  53. Blocks: setup, cleanup, the old Method, and Exception Handling
  54. Data-Driven Specs
  55. Database-Driven Specs and Processed Inputs
  56. Mocking Collaborators
  57. POGOs as Spring Beans
  58. Refreshable Beans
  59. Groovy Aspects and Inline Scripted Beans
  60. Grails and Spring
  61. Groovy and Spring Boot
  62. JPA and Groovy
  63. NoSQL and Groovy
  64. Closures, Lambdas, and Currying
  65. Map-filter-reduce and Inject
  66. Immutable Objects
  67. Composition, Method References, and Memoize
  68. Trait Basics
  69. Multiple Traits, Traits with Properties, Conflicts, Runtime Traits, and Other Features
  70. Demo: Creating a Range
  71. Demo: Basic Authentication
  72. Demo: Closure Coercion
  73. Demo: Returning from Closures
  74. Demo: Dates and Times
  75. REST Principles
  76. Groovy Clients for REST
  77. Implementing RESTful Services Using JAX-RS
  78. Customizing Messages with JsonBuilder and JsonSlurper
  79. REST with Ratpack and Grails
  80. Course Wrap Up

Product information

  • Title: Learning Groovy
  • Author(s): Ken Kousen
  • Release date: February 2016
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781491941324