Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10, Second Edition

Book description

Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10 will tell you everything you need to know about working with Raspberry Pi 2 so you can get started doing amazing things. You'll learn how to set up your new Raspberry Pi 2 with a monitor, keyboard and mouse, and how to install both Linux and Windows on your new Pi 2.

Linux has always been a great fit for the Pi, but it can be a steep learning curve if you've never used it before. With this book, you'll see how easy it is to install Linux and learn how to work with it, including how to become a Linux command line pro. You'll learn that what might seem unfamiliar in Linux is actually very familiar. And now that Raspberry Pi also supports Windows 10, a chapter is devoted to setting up Windows 10 for the Internet of Things on a Raspberry Pi.

Finally, you'll learn how to create these Raspberry Pi projects with Linux:

  • Making a Pi web server: run LAMP on your own network
  • Making your Pi wireless: remove all the cables and retain all the functionality
  • Making a Raspberry Pi-based security cam and messenger service
  • Making a Pi media center: stream videos and music from your Pi
  • Table of contents

    1. Cover
    2. Title
    3. Copyright
    4. Dedication
    5. Contents at a Glance
    6. Contents
    7. About the Authors
    8. About the Technical Reviewer
    9. Acknowledgments
    10. Introduction
    11. Chapter 1: Your First Bite of Raspberry Pi
      1. Your Freshly Baked Pi Arrives
      2. List of Ingredients
        1. Micro USB lead
        2. USB Power Adapter
        3. HDMI Lead
        4. HDMI Capable Display
        5. Micro SD Card
        6. Micro SD Card Reader
        7. USB Keyboard and Mouse
        8. Whew, We’re Done!
        9. Don’t Panic!
      3. Linux
        1. What Is Linux?
        2. Introducing NOOBS
        3. The two NOOBS
        4. Downloading NOOBS
      4. Getting NOOBS onto Your SD Card
      5. First Boot
        1. Installing Raspbian with NOOBS
      6. Configuring Your Pi
        1. Expanding the Filesystem
        2. Booting to Desktop
        3. Changing User Password
        4. Setting some International Options
        5. Changing the Time Zone
        6. Configuring the Keyboard
        7. Enable Camera
        8. Add to Rastrack
        9. Overclock
        10. Advanced features
        11. Allocating Memory
        12. At Last! It’s Configured!
      7. Summary
    12. Chapter 2: Surveying the Landscape
      1. Welcome to LXDE
        1. What do we have here?
        2. The Start Menu and Top Left of the Taskbar
        3. And on the Right Hand Side…
        4. The Start Menu
      2. Accessories
        1. XArchiver
        2. Calculator
        3. File Manager
        4. Image Viewer
        5. PDF Viewer
        6. Task Manager
        7. Terminal
        8. Text Editor
      3. Games
        1. Minecraft
        2. Pi Games
      4. Internet
        1. Pi Store
        2. Raspberry Pi Resources
        3. Web Browser
      5. Programming
        1. Scratch
        2. Python
      6. Preferences
      7. Help
      8. Summary
    13. Chapter 3: Getting Comfortable
      1. Ye Olde Computer
        1. Say Hello to the Dumb Terminal
        2. Modern Terminals
        3. So Why do We Still Care About these Things?
      2. The Three Terminals
        1. The Console
        2. Opening a Virtual Terminal in the GUI
        3. Connecting via SSH
        4. SSH on the Mac
      3. Welcome to the Command Line
      4. Different Shells
      5. Summary
    14. Chapter 4: The File-paths to Success
      1. What is a Filing System?
        1. More than one Filesystem
        2. Separate Roots
        3. Unified Filesystem
        4. The Mac has to be Different
        5. Bring it all Together
      2. Everything as a File
      3. Filesystem Layout
        1. / (Root Directory)
        2. /root
        3. /etc
        4. /proc
        5. /var
        6. /boot
        7. /bin and /sbin
        8. /dev
        9. /home
        10. /lib
        11. /lost+found
        12. /media
        13. /mnt
        14. /usr
        15. /opt
        16. /srv
        17. /sys
        18. /tmp
      4. Putting it to Work
        1. Where are we? Using pwd
        2. What’s in here with us? Using ls
        3. Creating Files to Play with, Using Touch
        4. Somewhere to Store our Files, Using Mkdir
        5. Making Use of Our New Directory, Using the mv Command
        6. Time for Some Cloning, How to use the cp Command
        7. The Power to Destroy, Using the rm Command
        8. Fully Qualified and Relative Paths
      5. Users and Groups
      6. File Permissions
        1. Setting File Permissions
      7. Shortcuts and Links
      8. Summary
    15. Chapter 5: Essential Commands
      1. Become the Boss
      2. RTFM
      3. System Resource Monitoring
        1. Uptime and Load Average
        2. Tasks
        3. CPU Utilization Percentage
        4. Memory Usage
        5. Process Table
        6. Using free to View Memory Allocation
        7. Disk Usage
        8. Managing Processes
      4. File Commands
        1. Combining Commands
        2. User Environment
        3. The cron Command
      5. Summary
    16. Chapter 6: Editing Files on the Command Line
      1. What is a Text File?
      2. The Contenders
      3. Starting Out with Nano
        1. So What Does this All Mean?
        2. Saving Your File
        3. Moving Around in Nano
        4. Wrapping Up Nano
      4. Getting Started with Vim
        1. Vim’s Modes
        2. Saving Your Changes
        3. Getting Out of Vim
        4. Searching in Vim
        5. Moving About in Vim
        6. Deleting in Vim
        7. Misc Little Commands
      5. Visual Mode
        1. Copy and Paste Vim Style
      6. Summary
    17. Chapter 7: Managing Your Pi
      1. Remotely Accessing the Pi
        1. Networking
        2. DNS
        3. SSH
      2. BASH: Basic Coding
        1. What Is BASH?
        2. Starting in BASH
        3. Interpreted versus Compiled
        4. Output in BASH
        5. Recap
        6. Variables
        7. Logical Operation: if
        8. Test Based Arithmetic
        9. Troubleshooting
        10. Logical Operation: Loop
        11. Troubleshooting
      3. Practical BASH: An Init Script
        1. Pick and Match with the case Statement
        2. Application within Application: Forking
        3. Update the Run Files
        4. Creating Your Own init Script
      4. Security and User Management
        1. The Rules of Raspbian Security
        2. Adding a New User
      5. Summary
    18. Chapter 8: A LAMP of Your Own
      1. First Steps
      2. L is for Linux
      3. A is for Apache
        1. Apache Configuration
        2. Troubleshooting
      4. M is for MySQL
        1. Installing MySQL
        2. Structured Query Language
      5. P is for PHP
      6. Simple Web App
        1. HTML
        2. Starting Our Page
        3. Display the Database Content
        4. Website Data Insertion
        5. Inserting to the Database
        6. Remove Entries
        7. Remove Data from DB
        8. Troubleshooting
        9. Where From Here?
      7. Summary
    19. Chapter 9: WiPi: Wireless Computing
      1. Preparing for WiPi
      2. Simple Constraint Removal
        1. Removing Human Input Devices
        2. Adding a Remote GUI
      3. True WiPi with WiFi
        1. GUI WiFi Configuration
        2. Managing WiFi from the Command Line
        3. Down to One
      4. Removing the Need for Power
      5. Powered USB Adapters
      6. Summary
    20. Chapter 10: The Raspberry sPi
      1. Materials Needed
      2. Presetup
      3. Getting Started
        1. dmesg
        2. Troubleshooting
      4. Motion Capture
        1. Troubleshooting
      5. Alerting Yourself
        1. Installing SSMTP
        2. Installing and Using mutt
        3. Testing the Alerting System
        4. Troubleshooting
      6. Bringing It All Together
        1. Understanding the Problem
        2. Making Decisions
        3. Designing Solution
        4. Script 1
        5. Script 2
        6. Testing
        7. Troubleshooting
      7. Where to Go from Here
      8. Summary
    21. Chapter 11: Pi Media Center
      1. Video with XBMC
        1. Setup to Build
        2. Changing Files with Sed and Regular Expressions
        3. Compiling Source Code
        4. Troubleshooting
      2. Starting and Using XBMC
        1. XBMC on Boot
        2. Troubleshooting
      3. Stream Music with Airplay
        1. Troubleshooting
        2. Airport on Boot
      4. Summary
    22. Chapter 12: Installing Windows 10!
      1. I Thought Windows couldn’t Run on the Pi?
      2. The Internet of what Now?
      3. But why Windows?
      4. Getting Started
        1. Windows 8
        2. Your Pi 2
        3. 8GB SD Card
        4. HDMI Cable
        5. Ethernet Cable
      5. Downloading the Tools
        1. What do you Get in the Box?
      6. Writing the Firmware to the SD Card
      7. Firing up the Pi
      8. Configuration Time
      9. Summary
    23. Chapter 13: TOR
      1. What is TOR
      2. Installing TOR
      3. Using TOR
      4. Disabling TOR
      5. Errors and Troubleshooting
      6. Summary
    24. Appendix A: Doing it by Hand – Writing an SD Card Image
      1. Getting Some Images
        1. Using Image Writer on Windows
        2. Using dd on the Mac
    25. Index

    Product information

    • Title: Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10, Second Edition
    • Author(s): Peter Membrey, David Hows
    • Release date: September 2015
    • Publisher(s): Apress
    • ISBN: 9781484211625