Exercise 20. Functions and Files
Remember your checklist for functions, then do this exercise paying close attention to how functions and files can work together to make useful stuff.
1 from sys import argv 2 3 script, input_file = argv 4 5 def print_all(f): 6 print(f.read()) 7 8 def rewind(f): 9 f.seek(0)1011 def print_a_line(line_count, f):12 print(line_count, f.readline())1314 current_file = open(input_file)1516 print("First let's print the whole file:\n")1718 print_all(current_file)1920 print("Now let's rewind, kind of like a tape.")2122 rewind(current_file)2324 print("Let's print three lines:")2526 current_line = 127 print_a_line(current_line ...
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