Book description
In addition to the full digital edition (ebook) of The First 90 Days, this collection includes digital editions of Watkins’ other popular works: Your Next Move, which guides professionals through the most common career transitions; Shaping the Game, on how to lead effective negotiations; and his 2012 Harvard Business Review article, “How Managers Become Leaders.”
Watkins, whose ideas have guided some of the world’s best leaders through successful transitions, is the chairman of leadership development consultancy Genesis Advisers. Drawing on the perfect combination of research and hands-on experience, he has spent the last two decades working with leaders—both corporate and public—as they transition to new roles, negotiate the future of their organizations, and craft their legacy as leaders. He was previously a professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, Harvard Business School, INSEAD in France, and IMD in Switzerland.
Table of contents
- Contents
- The First 90 Days (1/2)
The First 90 Days (2/2)
- Contents
- Preface (1/2)
- Preface (2/2)
- Introduction: The First 90 Days (1/4)
- Introduction: The First 90 Days (2/4)
- Introduction: The First 90 Days (3/4)
- Introduction: The First 90 Days (4/4)
- Chapter 1: Prepare Yourself (1/6)
- Chapter 1: Prepare Yourself (2/6)
- Chapter 1: Prepare Yourself (3/6)
- Chapter 1: Prepare Yourself (4/6)
- Chapter 1: Prepare Yourself (5/6)
- Chapter 1: Prepare Yourself (6/6)
- Chapter 2: Accelerate Your Learning (1/5)
- Chapter 2: Accelerate Your Learning (2/5)
- Chapter 2: Accelerate Your Learning (3/5)
- Chapter 2: Accelerate Your Learning (4/5)
- Chapter 2: Accelerate Your Learning (5/5)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (1/4)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (2/4)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (3/4)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (4/4)
- Chapter 4: Negotiate Success (1/6)
- Chapter 4: Negotiate Success (2/6)
- Chapter 4: Negotiate Success (3/6)
- Chapter 4: Negotiate Success (4/6)
- Chapter 4: Negotiate Success (5/6)
- Chapter 4: Negotiate Success (6/6)
- Chapter 5: Secure Early Wins (1/5)
- Chapter 5: Secure Early Wins (2/5)
- Chapter 5: Secure Early Wins (3/5)
- Chapter 5: Secure Early Wins (4/5)
- Chapter 5: Secure Early Wins (5/5)
- Chapter 6: Achieve Alignment (1/6)
- Chapter 6: Achieve Alignment (2/6)
- Chapter 6: Achieve Alignment (3/6)
- Chapter 6: Achieve Alignment (4/6)
- Chapter 6: Achieve Alignment (5/6)
- Chapter 6: Achieve Alignment (6/6)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (1/7)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (2/7)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (3/7)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (4/7)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (5/7)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (6/7)
- Chapter 7: Build Your Team (7/7)
- Chapter 8: Create Alliances (1/5)
- Chapter 8: Create Alliances (2/5)
- Chapter 8: Create Alliances (3/5)
- Chapter 8: Create Alliances (4/5)
- Chapter 8: Create Alliances (5/5)
- Chapter 9: Manage Yourself (1/4)
- Chapter 9: Manage Yourself (2/4)
- Chapter 9: Manage Yourself (3/4)
- Chapter 9: Manage Yourself (4/4)
- Chapter 10: Accelerate Everyone (1/4)
- Chapter 10: Accelerate Everyone (2/4)
- Chapter 10: Accelerate Everyone (3/4)
- Chapter 10: Accelerate Everyone (4/4)
- Notes (1/2)
- Notes (2/2)
- Index (1/3)
- Index (2/3)
- Index (3/3)
- About the Author
Your Next Move
- Contents (1/2)
- Contents (2/2)
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction: Your Next Move (1/4)
- Introduction: Your Next Move (2/4)
- Introduction: Your Next Move (3/4)
- Introduction: Your Next Move (4/4)
- Chapter 1: The Promotion Challenge (1/6)
- Chapter 1: The Promotion Challenge (2/6)
- Chapter 1: The Promotion Challenge (3/6)
- Chapter 1: The Promotion Challenge (4/6)
- Chapter 1: The Promotion Challenge (5/6)
- Chapter 1: The Promotion Challenge (6/6)
- Chapter 2: The Leading-Former-Peers Challenge (1/5)
- Chapter 2: The Leading-Former-Peers Challenge (2/5)
- Chapter 2: The Leading-Former-Peers Challenge (3/5)
- Chapter 2: The Leading-Former-Peers Challenge (4/5)
- Chapter 2: The Leading-Former-Peers Challenge (5/5)
- Chapter 3: The Corporate Diplomacy Challenge (1/4)
- Chapter 3: The Corporate Diplomacy Challenge (2/4)
- Chapter 3: The Corporate Diplomacy Challenge (3/4)
- Chapter 3: The Corporate Diplomacy Challenge (4/4)
- Chapter 4: The Onboarding Challenge (1/6)
- Chapter 4: The Onboarding Challenge (2/6)
- Chapter 4: The Onboarding Challenge (3/6)
- Chapter 4: The Onboarding Challenge (4/6)
- Chapter 4: The Onboarding Challenge (5/6)
- Chapter 4: The Onboarding Challenge (6/6)
- Chapter 5: The International Move Challenge (1/5)
- Chapter 5: The International Move Challenge (2/5)
- Chapter 5: The International Move Challenge (3/5)
- Chapter 5: The International Move Challenge (4/5)
- Chapter 5: The International Move Challenge (5/5)
- Chapter 6: The Turnaround Challenge (1/5)
- Chapter 6: The Turnaround Challenge (2/5)
- Chapter 6: The Turnaround Challenge (3/5)
- Chapter 6: The Turnaround Challenge (4/5)
- Chapter 6: The Turnaround Challenge (5/5)
- Chapter 7: The Realignment Challenge (1/4)
- Chapter 7: The Realignment Challenge (2/4)
- Chapter 7: The Realignment Challenge (3/4)
- Chapter 7: The Realignment Challenge (4/4)
- Chapter 8: The STARS Portfolio Challenge (1/4)
- Chapter 8: The STARS Portfolio Challenge (2/4)
- Chapter 8: The STARS Portfolio Challenge (3/4)
- Chapter 8: The STARS Portfolio Challenge (4/4)
- Conclusion: Designing Companywide Transition-Acceleration Systems (1/2)
- Conclusion: Designing Companywide Transition-Acceleration Systems (2/2)
- Notes
- Index (1/2)
- Index (2/2)
- About the Author
- Shaping the Game (1/2)
Shaping the Game (2/2)
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction (1/3)
- Introduction (2/3)
- Introduction (3/3)
- Chapter 1: Understand Terms and Conditions (1/6)
- Chapter 1: Understand Terms and Conditions (2/6)
- Chapter 1: Understand Terms and Conditions (3/6)
- Chapter 1: Understand Terms and Conditions (4/6)
- Chapter 1: Understand Terms and Conditions (5/6)
- Chapter 1: Understand Terms and Conditions (6/6)
- Chapter 2: Negotiate Strategically (1/3)
- Chapter 2: Negotiate Strategically (2/3)
- Chapter 2: Negotiate Strategically (3/3)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (1/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (2/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (3/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (4/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (5/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (6/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (7/8)
- Chapter 3: Match Strategy to Situation (8/8)
- Chapter 4: Plan to Learn and Influence (1/6)
- Chapter 4: Plan to Learn and Influence (2/6)
- Chapter 4: Plan to Learn and Influence (3/6)
- Chapter 4: Plan to Learn and Influence (4/6)
- Chapter 4: Plan to Learn and Influence (5/6)
- Chapter 4: Plan to Learn and Influence (6/6)
- Chapter 5: Shape the Game (1/6)
- Chapter 5: Shape the Game (2/6)
- Chapter 5: Shape the Game (3/6)
- Chapter 5: Shape the Game (4/6)
- Chapter 5: Shape the Game (5/6)
- Chapter 5: Shape the Game (6/6)
- Chapter 6: Organize to Improve (1/5)
- Chapter 6: Organize to Improve (2/5)
- Chapter 6: Organize to Improve (3/5)
- Chapter 6: Organize to Improve (4/5)
- Chapter 6: Organize to Improve (5/5)
- Conclusion
- Notes (1/2)
- Notes (2/2)
- Recommended Reading
- Index (1/2)
- Index (2/2)
- About the Author
- How Managers Become Leaders (1/2)
- How Managers Become Leaders (2/2)
Product information
- Title: Leadership Transitions: The Watkins Collection (4 Items)
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2014
- Publisher(s): Harvard Business Review Press
- ISBN: 9781625277954
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