
accountability, 164–165

action, bias for, 126

adaptation, 108–109

Adaptiv Learning Systems, 49

ADT. See attention deficit trait (ADT)

alignment, 76, 116–117, 155, 162–163

Andersson, Dan, 119, 124–126

Andrews, Mike, 58

Anspacher, Jonathan, 74

appreciation, expressing, 64, 71

arrogance, 14–15

assessment. See self-assessment

assumptions, questioning, 107

attention deficit disorder (ADD), 80, 81, 83–84

attention deficit trait (ADT), 79–95

ADD compared with, 81, 83–84

managing, 80, 87–93

organizational culture and, 82, 87, 88–89, 93–95

symptoms of, 79

audits, energy, 67, 68–69

authenticity, 100, 170–171

Babin, Nicolas, 72

balance, 33, 34, 38–39, 97–114. See also discretionary time

Barsade, Sigal, 177

Bartel, Caroline, 177

BBC, 179

Beatty, Richard, ...

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