2Leadership Pipeline Value Proposition
When it comes to trying a new model, an important question is whether implementation is worth it. There are always learning curves to climb and naysayers to convince. There are usually other initiatives competing for time and money.
Imagine a company that has a chief financial officer but doesn't have a general ledger, or a budget process, or a cost accounting system, or a capital allocation process that are tied together. That finance officer wouldn't have much success. Finance's architecture enables the entire organization to work with and talk about financial matters in a consistent way. Companies need an enduring architecture to focus leadership processes and programs. The architecture should set common standards for performance and for potential, differentiated by layer and roles of leadership. It should also establish language and processes to address issues, identify problems, and exploit opportunities effectively, as well as data for making decisions about everything from job transitions to performance improvement.
We trust you will see that applying the Leadership Pipeline architecture is more than worth it. When the architecture is adapted to your organization's specific situation, the benefits are certain, measurable, and visible to all. Common language is an undervalued benefit and a gift that keeps on giving. People cannot think about things for which they don't have language.
Strengthening Your Weakest Link
Every leader ...
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