Book description
Create responsive cross-platform UI/UX applications and games in Python using the open source Kivy library
Utilize the power of Kivy to develop applications that run on all the major platforms
Build user interfaces (UI) and control multi-touch events to improve the user experience (UX)
A comprehensive tutorial with simplified code and lots of tips and tricks
In Detail
Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games in Python Second Edition, will equip you with all the necessary knowledge to create interactive, responsive, and cross-platform applications and games.
This book introduces the Kivy language and the necessary components so you can implement a graphical user interface (GUI) and learn techniques to handle events, detect gestures, and control multi-touch actions. You will learn strategies to animate your applications, and obtain interactive, professional-looking, and responsive results. You will be applying this knowledge throughout the book by developing three applications and tackling their diverse programming challenges.
What You Will Learn
Build responsive user interfaces (UIs) using the Kivy language and the Kivy widgets
Master the use of the Kivy canvas to display graphics on screen
Keep the UI updated on user input and screen size with Kivy properties
Bind and unbind Kivy events to control widgets, touches, the mouse, the keyboard, and animations
Scale, rotate, and translate widgets using finger gestures
Create and use your own gestures, and control multiple touches on the screen
Enhance your widgets with behaviors, animations, and transitions
Debug your application with the Kivy inspector
Table of contents
Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games in Python Second Edition
- Table of Contents
- Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games in Python Second Edition
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- 1. GUI Basics – Building an Interface
- 2. Graphics – the Canvas
- 3. Widget Events – Binding Actions
4. Improving the User Experience
- ScreenManager – selecting colors for the figures
- Color control on the canvas – coloring figures
- StencilView – limiting the drawing space
- Scatter – multi-touching to drag, rotate, and scale
- Recording gestures – line, circle, and cross
- Recognizing gestures – drawing with the finger
- Behaviors – enhancing widget's functionality
- Style – decorating the interface
- Factory – replacing a vertex instruction
- Summary
5. Invaders Revenge – an Interactive Multi-touch Game
- Invaders Revenge – an animated multi-touch game
- Atlas – An efficient management of images
- Boom – simple sound effects
- Ammo – simple animation
- Invader – transitions for animations
- Dock – automatic binding in the Kivy language
- Fleet – infinite concatenation of animations
- Scheduling events with the clock
- Shooter – multi-touch control
- Invasion – moving the shooter with the keyboard
- Combining animations with '+' and '&'
- Summary
6. Kivy Player – a TED Video Streamer
- Video – play, pause, and stop
- AsyncImage – creating a cover for the video
- Subtitles – tracking the video progression
- Control bar – adding buttons to control the video
- Slider – including a progression bar
- Animation – hiding a widget
- Kivy inspector – debugging interfaces
- ActionBar – a responsive bar
- LoadDialog – displaying a directory of files
- ScrollView – displaying a list of videos
- Search – query the TED Developer API
- Summary
- Index
Product information
- Title: Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games in Python - Second Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: June 2015
- Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
- ISBN: 9781785286926
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