Kindly Review

Book description

Unlock the creative and innovative potential of your team members with a new approach to feedback and review

In Kindly Review: The Secret to Giving and Receiving Feedback to Make Your Ideas Great is a transformative new approach to taking the sting out of the review process and unlocking the innovative and creative power of your teams. You’ll learn to regain control over your work processes, from project start to completion, and get products to the finish line quickly and efficiently.

The author identifies eight “classic” styles of giving feedback and contrasts them with the effective Kind Review process, a system for creating respectful, collaborative, and innovative working environments. You’ll find:

  • Strategies for gathering, receiving, and giving feedback respectfully, productively, and kindly
  • The reasons why receiving feedback can be so painful in the first place, and ways to reduce the emotional impact of critical and negative responses
  • A comprehensive model for respectful workplace collaboration with team review and feedback at its foundation

A can’t-miss roadmap to unlocking freedom, creativity, and innovation amongst your team members, Kindly Review belongs on the bookshelves of leader at for-profit firms, nonprofit agencies, and government departments looking for new ways to approach team leadership.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Introduction
    1. Eight Feedback Styles
    2. Pushing Past Style to Completion
    3. Collaboration Is Key
    4. Note
  6. 1 Why Feedback Hurts
    1. How the Human Brain Processes Feedback
    2. Better Feedback Can Be Learned
    3. Completion with Kindness
    4. Notes
  7. 2 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Review
    1. Defining the Creator‐Reviewer Relationship
    2. Good Feedback Is about Feeling Safe
    3. What Is Kind Review?
    4. Feedback Is Always Personal
  8. 3 Receiving Feedback: Tough Skin, Tough Love, or Tough
    1. Face Your Anxieties
    2. Learn the Levels of Feedback
    3. Manage Feedback Before You Burn Out
  9. 4 Giving Feedback
    1. Polish the Idea to Make It Shine
    2. Improve through Process
    3. Editing Is Not Creating
    4. Take a Hot Minute and Reflect
  10. 5 Taste Is an Unconscious Bias
    1. Feedback Is a Personal Opinion of Quality
    2. Risk Avoidance Can Be an Unconscious Bias
    3. Use Taste to Be Inclusive
  11. 6 Feedback Styles
    1. The Eight Review Styles
    2. When Styles Meet
    3. It's Part of Who You Are
  12. 7 Kind Collaborator
    1. Attributes of the Kind Collaborator
    2. How to Manage a Kind Collaborator
    3. How to Become a Kind Collaborator
  13. 8 Perfect Pass‐Through
    1. Attributes of a Perfect Pass‐Through
    2. Why a Perfect Pass‐Through Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a Perfect Pass‐Through
    4. What to Do If You Are a Perfect Pass‐Through
  14. 9 Vague Vocalist
    1. Attributes of the Vague Vocalist
    2. Why the Vague Vocalist Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a Vague Vocalist
    4. What to Do If You Are a Vague Vocalist
  15. 10 Land Mine
    1. Attributes of a Land Mine
    2. Why a Land Mine Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a Land Mine
    4. What to Do If You Are a Land Mine
  16. 11 Silent but Deadly
    1. Attributes of a Silent but Deadly
    2. Why a Silent but Deadly Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a Silent but Deadly
    4. What to Do If You Are a Silent but Deadly
  17. 12 DIYer
    1. Attributes of a DIYer
    2. Why a DIYer Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a DIYer
    4. What to Do If You Are a DIYer
  18. 13 One and Doner
    1. Attributes of a One and Doner
    2. Why a One and Doner Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a One and Doner
    4. What to Do If You Are a One and Doner
  19. 14 Rage Reviewer
    1. Attributes of a Rage Reviewer
    2. Why a Rage Reviewer Is Dangerous
    3. How to Manage a Rage Reviewer
    4. What to Do If You Are a Rage Reviewer
  20. 15 When Style Meets Process
    1. Whack‐A‐Mole
    2. Master the Two‐Round Review
    3. The Kind Review Process
    4. Remember the Review Styles
    5. Embrace Change
  21. 16 The IdeaStorm: Kickoff to Success
    1. The IdeaStorm
    2. Who Needs to Attend
    3. Setting the Scene
    4. What to Discuss
    5. Carve a Path to Success
  22. 17 Project Planning
    1. How It Works
    2. Deadlines Are Your Friend
    3. Plan for and Respect the Reviewer's Time
    4. Drive to Completion
  23. 18 Creating Your Satisfaction
    1. Kiss It Goodbye
    2. Use Your Whole Ass
    3. Don't Confuse the Process
    4. Protect the Gems
  24. 19 Mastering the Feedback Process
    1. The Magic of Two‐Round Review
    2. Avoiding Ambiguity
    3. Two Rounds to the Finish Line
  25. 20 Preparing Others to Give Feedback
    1. Words Matter
    2. Frame the Type of Feedback You Want
    3. Build the Box of Review
    4. Just Start
  26. 21 Gather Feedback on Your Ideas
    1. Collaborate to Make an Idea Big
    2. Get to Work: Round 1 of Feedback
    3. Find Peace
  27. 22 Find Strength in Collaboration
    1. Prepare for Idea Growth
    2. Work Time Is Round 2
    3. Final Step: Make It Strong Again
    4. Untangle Painful Review Processes
    5. Make Your Own Magic
  28. 23 Making Kind Review Work for You
    1. Path to Completion for Creators
    2. Getting to the Finish Line for Reviewers
    3. Process Takes People
  29. 24 The Dreaded Redo
    1. Get the Specifics to Make a Change
    2. Strive for Failure
    3. Save Your Idea Seeds
    4. Savor the Energy of Ideas
  30. 25 Surviving Group Review
    1. When the Review Goes Sideways
    2. Being Fed to the Hyenas
    3. Being Pecked to Death by Ducks
    4. Herding Cats
  31. 26 Ready for Completion
    1. Don't Let Perfect Get in the Way of Great
    2. It's the Final Countdown!
    3. Slamming on the Brakes Sucks for Everyone
    4. It's Not the Destination; It's the Journey
  32. 27 Failure to Communicate
    1. Don't Mess with the Bear
    2. When the Review Gets Personal
    3. Life Is Too Short for Bad Vibes
    4. This Life Has an Expiration Date
  33. 28 Perfection Is Impossible, but Collaboration Is Magic
    1. My Imperfection Makes Me Perfect
    2. Perfection Is Impossible
    3. Fight for Completion, Not Perfection
    4. Collaboration Is Magic
  34. Acknowledgments
  35. Index
  36. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Kindly Review
  • Author(s): Dawn Crawford
  • Release date: May 2023
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781394182879