3ChatGPT Prompts for Managing Your Work and Schedule

IF YOU MANAGE your own work and schedule, make sure you leverage ChatGPT's powerful capabilities for lightening your load. By using the right prompts, you can get ChatGPT to streamline your meetings and deal with the business they generate, such as agendas beforehand and reminders and follow-ups afterward. ChatGPT can also help you get your email under control and assist you with planning and arranging travel.

People who use ChatGPT for these tasks describe the resulting boost as being as though they've hired an intern or an assistant. On the plus side, ChatGPT costs far less than an intern (assuming that you pay your interns — and that you pay for ChatGPT), has near-infinite patience, and won't show up to work late or blitzed. On the downside, ChatGPT won't fetch your coffee — but you can prompt it for tips on how to brew better coffee, how to cut down your caffeine intake, or even both.

Streamline Your Meetings

Meetings, meetings, meetings — seems we simply can't live without them, though many of us sure would like to. Just think how much your productivity would soar if you could flat-out abolish meetings …

Okay, stop thinking about that now and get back to work. Abolishing meetings is not on the agenda. What is on the agenda is having ChatGPT streamline your meetings so that you can glide through them with minimal resistance and effort.

In this section, we'll look at five ways in which ChatGPT can help you with your ...

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