The Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI)

The Generic Security Services API, as the name implies, is not specific to any authentication technique. Therefore, its mention in a book on Kerberos may seem a bit out of place. However, GSSAPI is widely used by protocol implementers as a means to implement Kerberos 5 support in their applications. By using GSSAPI, a protocol gains the ability to use other strong authentication methods “for free,” and the GSSAPI layer also shields implementers from the complexities of the raw Kerberos 5 API.

GSSAPI is geared toward developers of client/server applications who wish to add strong authentication support to their protocols. It provides a generic interface and message format that can encapsulate authentication exchanges from any authentication method that has a GSSAPI-compliant library. GSSAPI insulates application programmers from the specific programming interface for particular authentication methods. GSSAPI also provides a standard message format so that protocols can support many different authentication methods without changing the protocol itself. GSSAPI does not define a protocol, authentication, or security mechanism itself; it instead makes it easier for application programmers to support multiple authentication mechanisms by providing a uniform, generic API for security services.

Most Kerberos 5 implementations also include a GSSAPI library. This means that all applications that support GSSAPI also support Kerberos 5. The notable ...

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