MATE desktop

The MATE desktop is a fork of the now-deprecated Gnome 2 desktop environment. MATE stands for MATE Advanced Traditional Environment. This is a similar structure to the GNU acronym, GNU is Not Unix. The renaming of the fork to MATE avoids naming convention issues with the still-current Gnome 3 environment.

MATE includes forks of many Gnome applications, and developers have written new applications. The names are in Spanish to reflect MATE's Argentinian origin.

MATE applications include the following:

  • Caja: File manager (from Nautilus)
  • Atril: Document viewer (from Evince)
  • Engrampa: Archive manager (from Archive Manager)
  • MATE terminal: Terminal emulator (from GNOME Terminal)
  • Marco: Window manager (from Metacity)
  • Mozo: Menu item ...

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