Lesson 27Pulling It All Together: Building the Class Roster App

In this lesson, we pull together everything you've learned to this point and put it into practice in an entire console application. The purpose of this code-along is to give you an example of how to design and build a console-based MVC CRUD application using all the tools and techniques you have learned so far. We'll build this project following the agile checklist in Appendix C and will organize it using tiered application design and MVC patterns demonstrated in this section.


We will build an application that manages a roster of students. The user will be able to create, view, and delete students in the system, and all student data will be persisted to a file. Here are the use cases:

  • Add Student
  • View All Students
  • View a Single Student
  • Remove Student

Further, there is a requirement that the application store all the student data to a file so that student data persists between times the Class Roster application is run.


Figure 27.1 is the UML class diagram of the ...

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