1Generalized Context for Decision Process Improvement


Business is making clear that to stay competitive in the market we need to make decisions quickly and often with disparate data sets. JMP® CONNECTIONS should be viewed as a business-oriented data discovery tool and is not an information technology (IT) or enterprise SAP®1 Centric model because as is so often the case, data sets are not under the control of the IT department. Data may reside in silos, dozens of spreadsheets, or proprietary database applications. Thus, we can best describe this exercise as the “decision process improvement.” If we can improve on the way metrics are produced, it can directly improve the timely implementation of actual decisions for corporate performance management.

The Holy Grail of the Information Age particularly in the information technology (IT) shop is the notion of data integration and interoperability. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers defines interoperability as:

The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.

Unfortunately, interoperability has never been entirely achieved across a large enterprise before.

However, in support of staying competitive, the popular business press and IT periodicals have ...

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