Chapter 4. Controllers and State

Historically, state was managed server side with session cookies. So, whenever users navigated to a new page, the previous page’s state was lost—only the cookies persisted. JavaScript applications, however, are confined to a single page, which means we can now store state on the client's memory.

One of the major advantages to storing state on the client is a really responsive interface. A user gets immediate feedback when interacting with the page, rather than waiting a few seconds for the next page to load. Speed greatly improves the user experience, making many JavaScript applications a real pleasure to use.

However, storing state on the client causes challenges as well. Where exactly should it be stored? In local variables? Perhaps in the DOM? This is where a lot of developers get led astray, which is an unfortunate state of affairs because storing state properly is one of the most critical areas to get right.

First, you should avoid storing data or state in the DOM. That’s just a slippery slope leading to an entangled mess and anarchy! In our case—since we’re using the tried and tested MVC architecture—state is stored inside our application’s controllers.

What exactly is a controller? Well, you can think of it as the glue between the application’s views and models. It’s the only component aware of the application’s views and models, tying them together. When the page loads, your controller attaches event handlers to views and processes callbacks appropriately, interfacing with models as necessary.

You don’t need any libraries to create controllers, although they can be useful. The only essential part is that controllers are modular and independent. Ideally, they shouldn’t be defining any global variables, instead functioning as fairly decoupled components. An excellent way of ensuring this is with the module pattern.

Module Pattern

The module pattern is a great way to encapsulate logic and prevent global namespace pollution. It’s all made possible by anonymous functions, which are arguably the single best feature of JavaScript. We’ll just create an anonymous function and execute it immediately. All the code residing within the function runs inside a closure, providing a local and private environment for our application’s variables:

  /* ... */

We have to surround the anonymous function with braces () before we can execute it. JavaScript requires this so it can interpret the statement correctly.

Global Import

Variable definitions inside the module are local, so they can’t be accessed outside in the global namespace. However, the application’s global variables are all still available, and they can be readily accessed and manipulated inside the module. It’s often not obvious which global variables are being used by a module, especially when your modules get larger.

In addition, implied globals are slower to resolve because the JavaScript interpreter has to walk up the scope chain to resolve them. Local variable access will always be faster and more efficient.

Luckily, our modules provide an easy way to resolve these problems. By passing globals as parameters to our anonymous function, we can import them into our code, which is both clearer and faster than implied globals:

  /* ... */

In the example above, we’re importing the global variable jQuery into our module and aliasing it to $. It’s obvious which global variables are being accessed inside the module, and their lookup is quicker. In fact, this is the recommended practice whenever you want to use jQuery’s $ shortcut, which ensures that your code won’t conflict with any other libraries.

Global Export

We can use a similar technique when it comes to exporting global variables. Ideally, you should be using as few global variables as possible, but there’s always the odd occasion when they’re needed. We can import the page’s window into our module, setting properties on it directly, thereby exposing variables globally:

(function($, exports){

  exports.Foo = "wem";

})(jQuery, window);

assertEqual( Foo, "wem" );

The fact that we’re using a variable called exports to set any global variables means the code is clearer, making it obvious which global variables a module is creating.

Adding a Bit of Context

Using a local context is a useful way of structuring modules, especially when it comes to registering callbacks to events. As it stands, the context inside our module is global—this is equal to window:

  assertEqual( this, window );

If we want to scope the context, we need to start adding functions onto an object. For example:

  var mod = {};

  mod.contextFunction = function(){
    assertEqual( this, mod );


The context inside contextFunction() is now local to our mod object. We can start using this without worrying about creating global variables. To give you a better indication of how it would be used in practice, let’s further flesh out that example:


  var mod = {};

  mod.load = function(func){
    $($.proxy(func, this));

    this.view = $("#view");

  mod.assetsClick = function(e){
    // Process click

      $.proxy(this.assetsClick, this)


We’re creating a load() function that takes a callback, executing it when the page has loaded. Notice that we’re using jQuery.proxy() to ensure that the callback is invoked in the correct context.

Then, when the page loads, we’re adding a click handler onto an element, giving it a local function, assetsClick(), as a callback. Creating a controller doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. What’s important is that all of the controller’s state is kept local and encapsulated cleanly into a module.

Abstracting into a Library

Let’s abstract that library out so we can reuse it with other modules and controllers. We’ll include the existing load() function and add new ones like proxy() and include():

(function($, exports){
  var mod = function(includes){
    if (includes) this.include(includes);
  mod.fn = mod.prototype;

  mod.fn.proxy = function(func){
    return $.proxy(func, this);

  mod.fn.load = function(func){

  mod.fn.include = function(ob){
    $.extend(this, ob);

  exports.Controller = mod;
})(jQuery, window);

proxy() ensures that functions are executed in the local context, which is a useful pattern for event callbacks. The include() function is just a shortcut for adding properties onto the controller, saving some typing.

We’re adding our library to the exports object, exposing it as the global Controller variable. Inside the module we can instantiate a Controller object using its constructor function. Let’s go through a simple example that toggles an element’s class depending on whether the mouse is over the element:

(function($, Controller){

  var mod = new Controller;

  mod.toggleClass = function(e){ 

    this.view = $("#view");
    this.view.mouseover(this.proxy(this.toggleClass), true);
    this.view.mouseout(this.proxy(this.toggleClass), false);

})(jQuery, Controller);

When the page loads, we’re creating a view variable and attaching some event listeners. They in turn call toggleClass() when the mouse moves over the element, toggling the element’s class. You can see the full example in this book’s accompanying files, in assets/ch04/modules.html.

Granted, using context rather than local variables means there is probably more code to write, what with all the usage of this. However, the technique gives us much greater scope for reusing code and including mixins. For example, we could add a function onto every Controller instance by setting a property on its prototype:

Controller.fn.unload = function(func){
  jQuery(window).bind("unload", this.proxy(func));

Or, we could extend an individual controller by using the include() function we defined earlier, passing it an object:

var mod = new Controller;

The StateMachine object, in this example, could be reused over and over again with our other modules, preventing us from duplicating code and keeping things DRY (don’t repeat yourself).

Loading Controllers After the Document

As it stands, some parts of our controllers are being loaded before the DOM, and other parts are in callbacks to be invoked after the page’s document has loaded. This can be confusing because the controller’s logic is being executed under different states, resulting in a lot of document load callbacks.

We can solve this in one fell swoop by loading controllers after the DOM. I personally advocate this approach because it ensures that you don’t need to think constantly about what state the page’s DOM is in when accessing elements.

Let’s first take advantage and clear up our library, making our controllers a bit cleaner. The Controller class doesn’t need to be a constructor function because the context switch needed when generating subcontrollers is unnecessary here:

// Use global context, rather than the window
// object, to create global variables
var exports = this;

  var mod = {};

  mod.create = function(includes){
    var result = function(){
      this.init.apply(this, arguments);

    result.fn = result.prototype;
    result.fn.init = function(){};

    result.proxy    = function(func){ return $.proxy(func, this); };
    result.fn.proxy = result.proxy;

    result.include = function(ob){ $.extend(this.fn, ob); }; 
    result.extend  = function(ob){ $.extend(this, ob); };
    if (includes) result.include(includes)

    return result;

  exports.Controller = mod;

Now we can use our new Controller.create() function to create controllers, passing in an object literal of instance properties. Notice that the entire controller is wrapped in jQuery(function(){ /* ... */ }). This is an alias for jQuery.ready(), and it ensures that the controller is loaded only after the page’s DOM has fully initialized:

  var ToggleView = Controller.create({
    init: function(view){
      this.view = $(view);
      this.view.mouseover(this.proxy(this.toggleClass), true);
      this.view.mouseout(this.proxy(this.toggleClass), false);          

    this.toggleClass: function(e){

  // Instantiate controller, calling init()
  new ToggleView("#view");

The other significant change we’ve made is passing in the view element to the controller upon instantiation, rather than hardcoding it inside. This is an important refinement because it means we can start reusing controllers with different elements, keeping code repetition to a minimum.

Accessing Views

A common pattern is to have one controller per view. That view has an ID, so it can be passed to controllers easily. Elements inside the view then use classes, rather than IDs, so they don’t conflict with elements in other views. This pattern provides a good structure for a general practice, but it should not be conformed to rigidly.

So far in this chapter we’ve been accessing views by using the jQuery() selector, storing a local reference to the view inside the controller. Subsequent searches for elements inside the view are then scoped by that view reference, speeding up their lookup:

// ...  
init: function(view){
  this.view = $(view);
  this.form = this.view.find("form");

However, it does mean that controllers fill up with a lot of selectors, requiring us to query the DOM constantly. We can clean this up somewhat by having one place in the controller where selectors are mapped to variables names, like so:

elements: {
  "form.searchForm": "searchForm",
  "form input[type=text]": "searchInput"

This ensures that the variables this.searchForm and this.searchInput will be created on the controller when it’s instantiated, set to their respective elements. These are normal jQuery objects, so we can manipulate them as usual, setting event handlers and fetching attributes.

Let’s implement support for that elements mapping inside our controllers, iterating over all the selectors and setting local variables. We’ll do this inside our init() function, which is called when our controller is instantiated:

var exports = this;

  exports.SearchView = Controller.create({
    // Map of selectors to local variable names
    elements: {
      "input[type=search]": "searchInput",
      "form": "searchForm"

    // Called upon instantiation
    init: function(element){
      this.el = $(element);

    search: function(){
      console.log("Searching:", this.searchInput.val());

    // Private

    $: function(selector){
      // An `el` property is required, and scopes the query
      return $(selector, this.el);

    // Set up the local variables
    refreshElements: function(){
      for (var key in this.elements) {
        this[this.elements[key]] = this.$(key);

  new SearchView("#users");

refreshElements() expects every controller to have a current element property, el, which will scope any selectors. Once refreshElements() is called, the this.searchForm and this.searchInput properties will be set on the controller and are subsequently available for event binding and DOM manipulation.

You can see a full example of this in this book’s accompanying files, in assets/ch04/views.html.

Delegating Events

We can also take a stab at cleaning up all that event binding and proxying by having an events object that maps event types and selectors to callbacks. This is going to be very similar to the elements object, but instead will take the following form:

events: {
  "submit form": "submit"

Let’s go ahead and add that to our SearchView controller. Like refreshElements(), we’ll have a delegateEvents() function that will be called when the controller is instantiated. This will parse the controller’s events object, attaching event callbacks. In our SearchView example, we want the search() function to be invoked whenever the view’s <form /> is submitted:

var exports = this;

  exports.SearchView = Controller.create({
    // Map all the event names, 
    // selectors, and callbacks
    events: {
      "submit form": "search"

    init: function(){
      // ...

    search: function(e){ /* ... */ },

    // Private

    // Split on the first space
    eventSplitter: /^(\w+)\s*(.*)$/,

    delegateEvents: function(){
      for (var key in {
        var methodName =[key];
        var method     = this.proxy(this[methodName]);

        var match      = key.match(this.eventSplitter);
        var eventName  = match[1], selector = match[2];

        if (selector === '') {
          this.el.bind(eventName, method);
        } else {
          this.el.delegate(selector, eventName, method);

Notice we’re using the delegate() function inside delegateEvents(), as well as the bind() function. If the event selector isn’t provided, the event will be placed straight on el. Otherwise, the event will be delegated, and it will be triggered if the event type is fired on a child matching the selector. The advantage of delegation is that it often reduces the amount of event listeners required—i.e., listeners don’t have to be placed on every element selected because events are caught dynamically when they bubble up.

We can push all those controller enhancements upstream to our Controller library so they can be reused in every controller. Here’s the finished example; you can find the full controller library in assets/ch04/finished_controller.html:

  var exports = this;

    exports.SearchView = Controller.create({
      elements: {
        "input[type=search]": "searchInput",
        "form": "searchForm"

      events: {
        "submit form": "search"

      init: function(){ /* ... */ },

      search: function(){
        alert("Searching: " + this.searchInput.val());
        return false;

    new SearchView({el: "#users"});

State Machines

State machines—or to use their proper term, Finite State Machines (FSMs)—are a great way to program UIs. Using state machines, you can easily manage multiple controllers, showing and hiding views as necessary. So, what exactly is a state machine? At its core, a state machine consists of two things: states and transitions. It has only one active state, but it has a multitude of passive states. When the active state switches, transitions between the states are called.

How does this work in practice? Well, consider having a few application views that need to be displayed independently—say, a view for showing contacts and a view for editing contacts. These two views need to be displayed exclusively—when one is shown, the other view needs to be hidden. This is a perfect scenario to introduce a state machine because it will ensure that only one view is active at any given time. Indeed, if we want to add additional views, such as a settings view, using a state machine makes this trivial.

Let’s flesh out a practical example that will give you a good idea of how state machines can be implemented. The example is simple and doesn’t cater to different transition types, but it is sufficient for our needs. First, we’re going to create an Events object that will use jQuery’s event API (as discussed in Chapter 2) to add the ability to bind and trigger events on our state machine:

var Events = {
  bind: function(){
    if ( !this.o ) this.o = $({});
    this.o.bind.apply(this.o, arguments);

  trigger: function(){
    if ( !this.o ) this.o = $({});
    this.o.trigger.apply(this.o, arguments);

The Events object is essentially extending jQuery’s existing event support outside the DOM so that we can use it in our own library. Now let’s set about creating the StateMachine class, which will have one main function, add():

var StateMachine = function(){};
StateMachine.fn  = StateMachine.prototype;

// Add event binding/triggering
$.extend(StateMachine.fn, Events);

StateMachine.fn.add = function(controller){
  this.bind("change", function(e, current){
    if (controller == current)
  }); = $.proxy(function(){
    this.trigger("change", controller);
  }, this);

The state machine’s add() function adds the passed controller to the list of states and creates an active() function. When active() is called, the active state will transition to the controller. The state machine will call activate() on the active controller and deactivate() on all the other controllers. We can see how this works by creating two example controllers, adding them to the state machine, and then activating one of them:

var con1 = {
  activate:   function(){ /* ... */ },
  deactivate: function(){ /* ... */ }

var con2 = {
  activate:   function(){ /* ... */ },
  deactivate: function(){ /* ... */ }

// Create a new StateMachine and add states
var sm = new StateMachine;

// Activate first state;

The state machine’s add() function works by creating a callback for the change event, calling the activate() or deactivate() function, depending on which is appropriate. Although the state machine gives us an active() function, we can also change the state by manually triggering the change event:

sm.trigger("change", con2);

Inside our controller’s activate() function, we can set up and display its view, adding and showing elements. Likewise, inside the deactivate() function, we can tear down anything that is hiding the view. CSS classes offer a good way of hiding and showing views. Simply add a class—say, .active—when the view is active, and remove it upon deactivation:

var con1 = {
  activate: function(){
  deactivate: function(){ 

var con2 = {
  activate: function(){
  deactivate: function(){ 

Then, in your stylesheets, make sure that the views have a .active class; otherwise, they’re hidden:

#con1, #con2 { display: none; }, { display: block; }

You can see the full examples in assets/ch04/state_machine.html.


Our application is now running from a single page, which means its URL won’t change. This is a problem for our users because they’re accustomed to having a unique URL for a resource on the Web. Additionally, people are used to navigating the Web with the browser’s back and forward buttons.

To resolve this, we want to tie the application’s state to the URL. When the application’s state changes, so will the URL. The reverse is true, too—when the URL changes, so will the application’s state. During the initial page load, we’ll check the URL and set up the application’s initial state.

Using the URL’s Hash

However, the page’s base URL can’t be changed without triggering a page refresh, which is something we’re trying to avoid. Luckily, there are a few solutions. The traditional way to manipulate the URL was to change its hash. The hash is never sent to the server, so it can be changed without triggering a page request. For example, here’s the URL for my Twitter page, the hash being #!/maccman:!/maccman

You can retrieve and alter the page’s hash using the location object:

// Set the hash
window.location.hash = "foo";
assertEqual( window.location.hash , "#foo" );

// Strip "#"
var hashValue = window.location.hash.slice(1);
assertEqual( hashValue, "foo" );

If the URL doesn’t have a hash, location.hash is an empty string. Otherwise, location.hash equals the URL’s hash fragment, prefixed with the # character.

Setting the hash too often can really hurt performance, especially on mobile browsers. So, if you’re setting it frequently—say, as a user scrolls through a list—you may want to consider throttling.

Detecting Hash Changes

Historically, changes to the hash were detected rather crudely with a polling timer. Things are improving, though, and modern browsers support the hashchange event. This is fired on the window, and you can listen for it in order to catch changes to the hash:

window.addEventListener("hashchange", function(){ /* ... */ }, false);

Or with jQuery:

$(window).bind("hashchange", function(event){
  // hash changed, change state

When the hashchange event fires, we can make sure the application is in the appropriate state. The event has good cross-browser support, with implementations in all the latest versions of the major browsers:

  • IE >= 8

  • Firefox >= 3.6

  • Chrome

  • Safari >= 5

  • Opera >= 10.6

The event isn’t fired on older browsers; however, there’s a useful jQuery plug-in that adds the hashchange event to legacy browsers.

It’s worth noting that this event isn’t fired when the page initially loads, only when the hash changes. If you’re using hash routing in your application, you may want to fire the event manually on page load:

  var hashValue = location.hash.slice(1);
  if (hashValue)

Ajax Crawling

Because they don’t execute JavaScript, search engine crawlers can’t see any content that’s created dynamically. Additionally, none of our hash routes will be indexed; as in the eyes of the crawlers, they’re all the same URL—the hash fragment is never sent to the server.

This is obviously a problem if we want our pure JavaScript applications to be indexable and available on search engines like Google. As a workaround, developers would create a “parallel universe” of content. Crawlers would be sent to special static HTML snapshots of the content, while normal browsers would continue to use the dynamic JavaScript version of the application. This resulted in a lot more work for developers and entailed practices like browser sniffing, something best avoided. Luckily, Google has provided an alternative: the Ajax Crawling specification.

Let’s take a look at my Twitter profile address again (notice the exclamation mark after the hash):!/maccman

The exclamation mark signifies to Google’s crawlers that our site conforms to the Ajax Crawling spec. Rather than request the URL as-is—excluding the hash, of course—the crawler translates the URL into this:

The hash has been replaced with the _escaped_fragment_ URL parameter. In the specification, this is called an ugly URL, and it’s something users will never see. The crawler then goes ahead and fetches that ugly URL. Since the hash fragment is now a URL parameter, your server knows the specific resource the crawler is requesting—in this case, my Twitter page.

The server can then map that ugly URL to whatever resource it represented and respond with a pure HTML or text fragment, which is then indexed. Since Twitter still has a static version of their site, they just redirect the crawler to that.

curl -v
  302 redirected to

Because Twitter is using a temporary redirect (302) rather than a permanent one (301), the URL shown in the search results will typically be the hash address—i.e., the dynamic JavaScript version of the site (!/maccman). If you don’t have a static version of your site, just serve up a static HTML or text fragment when URLs are requested with the _escaped_fragment_ parameter.

Once you’ve added support for the Ajax Crawling spec to your site, you can check whether it’s working using the Fetch as Googlebot tool. If you choose not to implement the scheme on your site, pages will remain indexed as-is, with a good likelihood of not being properly represented in search results. In the long term, however, it’s likely that search engines like Google will add JavaScript support to their crawlers, making schemes like this one unnecessary.

Using the HTML5 History API

The History API is part of the HTML5 spec and essentially allows you to replace the current location with an arbitrary URL. You can also choose whether to add the new URL to the browser’s history, giving your application “back button” support. Like setting the location’s hash, the key is that the page won’t reload—its state will be preserved.

Supported browsers are:

  • Firefox >= 4.0

  • Safari >= 5.0

  • Chrome >= 7.0

  • IE: no support

  • Opera >= 11.5

The API is fairly straightforward, revolving mostly around the history.pushState() function. This takes three arguments: a data object, a title, and the new URL:

// The data object is arbitrary and is passed with the popstate event
var dataObject = { 
    createdAt: '2011-10-10', 
    author:    'donnamoss'

var url = '/posts/new-url';
history.pushState(dataObject, document.title, url);

The three arguments are all optional, but they control what’s pushed onto the browser’s history stack:

The data object

This is completely arbitrary—you specify any custom object you want. It’ll be passed along with a popstate event (which we’ll cover in depth later).

The title argument

This is currently ignored by a lot of browsers, but according to the spec will change the new page’s title and appear in the browser’s history.

The url argument

This is a string specifying the URL to replace the browser’s current location. If it’s relative, the new URL is calculated relative to the current one, with the same domain, port, and protocol. Alternatively, you can specify an absolute URL, but for security reasons, it’s restricted to the same domain as the current location.

The issue with using the new History API in JavaScript applications is that every URL needs a real HTML representation. Although the browser won’t request the new URL when you call history.pushState(), it will be requested if the page is reloaded. In other words, every URL you pass to the API needs to exist—you can’t just make up fragments like you can with hashes.

This isn’t a problem if you already have a static HTML representation of your site, but it is if your application is pure JavaScript. One solution is to always serve up the JavaScript application regardless of the URL called. Unfortunately, this will break 404 (page not found) support, so every URL will return a successful response. The alternative is to actually do some server-side checking to make sure the URL and requested resource is valid before serving up the application.

The History API contains a few more features. history.replaceState() acts exactly the same as history.pushState(), but it doesn’t add an entry to the history stack. You can navigate through the browser’s history using the history.back() and history.forward() functions.

The popstate event mentioned earlier is triggered when the page is loaded or when history.pushState() is called. In the case of the latter, the event object will contain a state property that holds the data object given to history.pushState():

window.addEventListener("popstate", function(event){
  if (event.state) {
    // history.pushState() was called

You can listen to the event and ensure that your application’s state stays consistent with the URL. If you’re using jQuery, you need to bear in mind that the event is normalized. So, to access the state object, you’ll need to access the original event:

$(window).bind("popstate", function(event){
  event = event.originalEvent;
  if (event.state) {
    // history.pushState() was called

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