
WebSocket — a bidirectional socket-like network connection

Inherits from



A WebSocket represents a long-lived, bidirectional, socket-like network connection to a server that supports the WebSocket protocol. This is a fundamentally different networking model than the request/response model of HTTP. Create a new connection with the WebSocket() constructor. Use send() to send textual messages to the server, and register a handler for message events to receive messages from the server. See Web Sockets for further details.

WebSockets are a new Web API and, at the time of this writing, are not supported by all browsers.


new WebSocket(string url, [string[] protocols])

The WebSocket() constructor creates a new WebSocket object and begins the (asynchronous) process of establishing a connection to a WebSocket server. The url argument specifies the server to connect to and must be an absolute URL that uses the ws:// or wss:// URL scheme. The protocols argument is an array of subprotocol names. If the argument is specified, it is the client’s way of telling the server which communication protocols or which protocol versions it is able to “speak.” The server must choose one and inform the client as part of the connection process. protocols may also be specified as a single string instead of an array: in this case, it is treated as an array of length 1.


These constants are the values of the readyState property.

unsigned short CONNECTING = 0

The connection process ...

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