
Video — an HTML <video> element

Inherits from

Node, Element, MediaElement


A Video object represents an HTML <video> element. <video> and <audio> elements are very similar and their common properties and methods are documented in MediaElement. This page documents a handful of additional properties that are specific to Video objects.


DOMSettableTokenList audio

This property specifies audio options for the video. The options are specified as a space-separated list of tokens on the HTML audio attribute, and the set is mirrored in JavaScript as a DOMSettableTokenList. At the time of this writing, however, the HTML5 standard defines only one legal token (“muted”), and you can treat this property as a string.

unsigned long height

The onscreen height of the <video> element, in CSS pixels. Mirrors the HTML height attribute.

string poster

The URL of an image to be displayed as a “poster frame” before the video begins playing. Mirrors the HTML poster attribute.

readonly unsigned long videoHeightreadonly unsigned long videoWidth

These properties return the intrinsic width and height of the video (i.e., the size of its frames) in CSS pixels. These properties will be zero until the <video> element has loaded the video metadata (while readyState is still HAVE_NOTHING and the loadedmetadata event has not been dispatched).

unsigned long width

The desired onscreen width of the <video> element, in CSS pixels. Mirrors the HTML width attribute.

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