Select — a graphical selection list
Inherits from
Node, Element, FormControl
The Select element represents an HTML <select>
tag, which displays a
graphical list of choices to the user. If the HTML multiple
attribute is present, the user
may select any number of options from the list. If that attribute is
not present, the user may select only one option, and options have a
radio button behavior—selecting one deselects whichever was
previously selected.
The options in a Select element can be displayed in two
distinct ways. If the size
attribute has a value greater than 1, or if the multiple
attribute is present, they are
displayed in a list box that is size
lines high in the browser window. If
is smaller than the number
of options, the listbox includes a scrollbar. On the other hand, if
is 1 and multiple
is not specified, the currently
selected option is displayed on a single line, and the list of other
options is made available through a drop-down menu. The first
presentation style displays the options clearly but requires more
space in the browser window. The second style requires minimal space
but does not display alternative options as explicitly. size
defaults to 4 when the multiple
attribute is set, and 1
The options[]
property of
the Select element is the most interesting. This is an array-like
object of <option>
(see Option) that describe the choices presented by the Select element. For historical reasons, this array-like object has some ...
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