
Location — represents and controls browser location


The location property of the Window and Document objects refers to a Location object that represents the web address (the “location”) of the current document. The href property contains the complete URL of that document, and the other properties of the Location object each describe a portion of that URL. These properties are much like the URL properties of the Link object. When a Location object is used as a string, the value of the href property is returned. This means that you can use the expression location in place of location.href.

In addition to representing the current browser location, the Location object also controls that location. If you assign a string containing a URL to the Location object or to its href property, the web browser loads and displays that URL. You can also make the browser load a new document by setting other Location properties to alter portions of the current URL. For example, if you set the search property, the browser reloads the current URL with a new query string appended. If you set the hash property, the browser does not load a new document, but it does create a new history entry. And if the hash property identifies an element of the document, the browser scrolls the document to make that element visible.


The properties of a Location object refer to the various portions of the current document’s URL. In each of the following property descriptions, the example given is a portion ...

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