
CSSStyleDeclaration — a set of CSS attributes and their values


A CSSStyleDeclaration object represents a set of CSS style attributes and their values, and it allows those style values to be queried and set using JavaScript property names that are similar to CSS property names. The style property of an HTMLElement is a read/write CSSStyleDeclaration object, as is the style property of a CSSRule object. The return value of Window .getComputedStyle(), however, is a CSSStyleDeclaration object whose properties are read-only.

A CSSStyleDeclaration object makes CSS style attributes available through JavaScript properties. The names of these JavaScript properties correspond closely to the CSS attribute names, with minor changes required to avoid syntax errors in JavaScript. Multiword attributes that contain hyphens, such as “font-family”, are written without hyphens in JavaScript, with each word after the first capitalized: fontFamily. Also, the “float” attribute conflicts with the reserved word float, so it translates to the property cssFloat. Note that you can use unmodified CSS attribute names if you use strings and square brackets to access the properties.


In addition to the properties described above, a CSSStyleDeclaration has two additional properties:

string cssText

The textual representation of a set of style attributes and their values. The text is formatted as in a CSS stylesheet, minus the element selector and the curly braces that surround the attributes and ...

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