
BlobBuilder — create new Blobs


A BlobBuilder object is used to create new Blob objects out of strings of text and bytes from ArrayBuffer objects and other Blobs. To build a Blob, create a BlobBuilder, call append() one or more times, and then call getBlob().


new BlobBuilder()

Create a new BlobBuilder by calling the BlobBuilder() constructor with no arguments.


void append(string text, [string endings])

Appends the specified text, encoded using UTF-8, to the Blob that is being built.

void append(Blob data)

Append the content of the Blob data to the Blob that is being built.

void append(ArrayBuffer data)

Append the bytes of the ArrayBuffer data to the Blob that is being built.

Blob getBlob([string contentType])

Return a Blob that represents all the data that has been appended to this BlobBuilder since it was created. Each call to this method returns a new Blob. If contentType is specified, it will be the value of the type property of the returned Blob. If unspecified, the returned Blob will have the empty string as its type.

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