Object.toString( ): define an object’s string representation — ECMAScript v1
.toString( )
A string representing the object.
The toString( )
method is
not one you often call explicitly in your JavaScript programs.
Instead, you define this method in your objects, and the system
calls it whenever it needs to convert your object to a
The JavaScript system invokes the toString( )
method to convert an object to
a string whenever the object is used in a string context. For
example, an object is converted to a string when it is passed to a
function that expects a string argument:
Similarly, objects are converted to strings when they are
concatenated to strings with the +
var msg = 'My object is: ' + my_object;
The toString( )
method is
invoked without arguments and should return a string. To be useful,
the string you return should be based, in some way, on the value of
the object for which the method was invoked.
When you define a custom class in JavaScript, it is good
practice to define a toString( )
method for the class. If you do not, the object inherits the default
toString( )
method from the
Object class. This default method returns a string of the
where class
is the class of the
object: a value such as “Object”, “String”, “Number”, “Function”,
“Window”, “Document”, and so on. This behavior of the default
toString( )
method is occasionally useful to determine the type or class of an unknown object. Because ...
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