Chapter 16. Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a standard for specifying the
presentation of HTML or XML documents. In theory, you use HTML markup to
specify the structure of your document, resisting the temptation to use
deprecated HTML tags such as <font>
to specify how the document
should look. Instead, you use CSS to define a stylesheet that specifies
how the structured elements of your document should be displayed. For
example, you can use CSS to specify that the level-one headings defined
by <h1>
tags should be
displayed in bold, sans-serif, centered, uppercase, 24-point
CSS is a technology intended for use by graphic designers or anyone concerned with the precise visual display of HTML documents. It is of interest to client-side JavaScript programmers because the Document Object Model allows the styles that are applied to the individual elements of a document to be scripted. Used together, CSS and JavaScript enable a variety of visual effects loosely referred to as Dynamic HTML (DHTML).[*]
The ability to script CSS styles allows you to dynamically change colors, fonts, and so on. More importantly, it allows you to set and change the position of elements and even to hide and show elements. This means that you can use DHTML techniques to create animated transitions where document content “slides in” from the right, for example, or to create an expanding and collapsing outline list in which the user can control the amount of information ...
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