JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition
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Book description
JavaScript is a powerful, object-based scripting language; JavaScript programs can be embedded directly in HTML web pages. When combined with the Document Object Model (DOM) defined by a web browser, JavaScript allows you to create Dynamic HTML content and interactive client-side web applications. JavaScript syntax is based on the popular programming languages C, C++, and Java, which makes it familiar and easy to learn for experienced programmers. At the same time, JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language, providing a flexible, forgiving programming environment in which new programmers can learn. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide provides a thorough description of the core JavaScript language and both the legacy and standard DOMs implemented in web browsers. The book includes sophisticated examples that show you how to handle common tasks, like validating form data, working with cookies, and creating portable DHTML animations. The book also contains detailed reference sections that cover the core JavaScript API, the legacy client-side API, and the W3C standard DOM API, documenting every JavaScript object, method, property, constructor, constant, function, and event handler in those APIs. This fourth edition of the bestselling JavaScript book has been carefully updated to cover JavaScript 1.5 (ECMAScript version 3). The book also provides complete coverage of the W3C DOM standard (Level 1 and Level 2), while retaining material on the legacy Level 0 DOM for backward compatibility. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is a complete programmer's guide and reference manual for JavaScript. It is particularly useful for developers working with the latest standards-compliant web browsers, like Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 6, and Mozilla. HTML authors can learn how to use JavaScript to build dynamic web pages. Experienced programmers can quickly find the information they need to start writing sophisticated JavaScript programs. This book is an indispensable reference for all JavaScript programmers, regardless of experience level.
Table of contents
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
- Preface
- 1. Introduction to JavaScript
I. Core JavaScript
- 2. Lexical Structure
- 3. Data Types and Values
- 4. Variables
- 5. Expressions and Operators
- 6. Statements
- 7. Functions
- 8. Objects
- 9. Arrays
- 10. Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- 11. Further Topics in JavaScript
II. Client-Side JavaScript
- 12. JavaScript in Web Browsers
- 13. Windows and Frames
- 14. The Document Object
- 15. Forms and Form Elements
- 16. Scripting Cookies
- 17. The Document Object Model
- 18. Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML
19. Events and Event Handling
- Basic Event Handling
- Advanced Event Handling with DOM Level 2
- The Internet Explorer Event Model
- The Netscape 4 Event Model
- 20. Compatibility Techniques
- 21. JavaScript Security
- 22. Using Java with JavaScript
III. Core JavaScript Reference
23. Core JavaScript Reference
- Sample Entry
- arguments[ ]
- Arguments
- Arguments.callee
- Arguments.length
- Array
- Array.concat( )
- Array.join( )
- Array.length
- Array.pop( )
- Array.push( )
- Array.reverse( )
- Array.shift( )
- Array.slice( )
- Array.sort( )
- Array.splice( )
- Array.toLocaleString( )
- Array.toString( )
- Array.unshift( )
- Boolean
- Boolean.toString( )
- Boolean.valueOf( )
- Date
- Date.getDate( )
- Date.getDay( )
- Date.getFullYear( )
- Date.getHours( )
- Date.getMilliseconds( )
- Date.getMinutes( )
- Date.getMonth( )
- Date.getSeconds( )
- Date.getTime( )
- Date.getTimezoneOffset( )
- Date.getUTCDate( )
- Date.getUTCDay( )
- Date.getUTCFullYear( )
- Date.getUTCHours( )
- Date.getUTCMilliseconds( )
- Date.getUTCMinutes( )
- Date.getUTCMonth( )
- Date.getUTCSeconds( )
- Date.getYear( )
- Date.parse( )
- Date.setDate( )
- Date.setFullYear( )
- Date.setHours( )
- Date.setMilliseconds( )
- Date.setMinutes( )
- Date.setMonth( )
- Date.setSeconds( )
- Date.setTime( )
- Date.setUTCDate( )
- Date.setUTCFullYear( )
- Date.setUTCHours( )
- Date.setUTCMilliseconds( )
- Date.setUTCMinutes( )
- Date.setUTCMonth( )
- Date.setUTCSeconds( )
- Date.setYear( )
- Date.toDateString( )
- Date.toGMTString( )
- Date.toLocaleDateString( )
- Date.toLocaleString( )
- Date.toLocaleTimeString( )
- Date.toString( )
- Date.toTimeString( )
- Date.toUTCString( )
- Date.UTC( )
- Date.valueOf( )
- decodeURI( )
- decodeURIComponent( )
- encodeURI( )
- encodeURIComponent( )
- Error
- Error.message
- Error.toString( )
- escape( )
- eval( )
- EvalError
- Function
- Function.apply( )
- Function.arguments[]
- )
- Function.caller
- Function.length
- Function.prototype
- Function.toString( )
- Global
- Infinity
- isFinite( )
- isNaN( )
- Math
- Math.abs( )
- Math.acos( )
- Math.asin( )
- Math.atan( )
- Math.atan2( )
- Math.ceil( )
- Math.cos( )
- Math.E
- Math.exp( )
- Math.floor( )
- Math.LN10
- Math.LN2
- Math.log( )
- Math.LOG10E
- Math.LOG2E
- Math.max( )
- Math.min( )
- Math.PI
- Math.pow( )
- Math.random( )
- Math.round( )
- Math.sin( )
- Math.sqrt( )
- Math.SQRT1_2
- Math.SQRT2
- Math.tan( )
- NaN
- Number
- Number.MAX_VALUE
- Number.MIN_VALUE
- Number.NaN
- Number.toExponential( )
- Number.toFixed( )
- Number.toLocaleString( )
- Number.toPrecision( )
- Number.toString( )
- Number.valueOf( )
- Object
- Object.constructor
- Object.hasOwnProperty( )
- Object.isPrototypeOf( )
- Object.propertyIsEnumerable( )
- Object.toLocaleString( )
- Object.toString( )
- Object.valueOf( )
- parseFloat( )
- parseInt( )
- RangeError
- ReferenceError
- RegExp
- RegExp.exec( )
- RegExp.ignoreCase
- RegExp.lastIndex
- RegExp.source
- RegExp.test( )
- RegExp.toString( )
- String
- String.charAt( )
- String.charCodeAt( )
- String.concat( )
- String.fromCharCode( )
- String.indexOf( )
- String.lastIndexOf( )
- String.length
- String.localeCompare( )
- String.match( )
- String.replace( )
- )
- String.slice( )
- String.split( )
- String.substr( )
- String.substring( )
- String.toLocaleLowerCase( )
- String.toLocaleUpperCase( )
- String.toLowerCase( )
- String.toString( )
- String.toUpperCase( )
- String.valueOf( )
- SyntaxError
- TypeError
- undefined
- unescape( )
- URIError
23. Core JavaScript Reference
IV. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
- Sample Entry
- Anchor
- Applet
- Area
- Button
- Button.onclick
- Checkbox
- Checkbox.onclick
- Document
- Document.all[]
- Document.captureEvents( )
- Document.clear( )
- Document.close( )
- Document.cookie
- Document.domain
- Document.elementFromPoint( )
- Document.getSelection( )
- Document.handleEvent( )
- Document.lastModified
- Document.links[]
- )
- Document.releaseEvents( )
- Document.routeEvent( )
- Document.URL
- Document.write( )
- Document.writeln( )
- Element
- Event
- FileUpload
- FileUpload.onchange
- Form
- Form.elements[]
- Form.onreset
- Form.onsubmit
- Form.reset( )
- Form.submit( )
- Frame
- getClass( )
- Hidden
- History
- History.back( )
- History.forward( )
- History.go( )
- HTMLElement
- HTMLElement.contains( )
- HTMLElement.getAttribute( )
- HTMLElement.handleEvent( )
- HTMLElement.insertAdjacentHTML( )
- HTMLElement.insertAdjacentText( )
- HTMLElement.onclick
- HTMLElement.ondblclick
- HTMLElement.onhelp
- HTMLElement.onkeydown
- HTMLElement.onkeypress
- HTMLElement.onkeyup
- HTMLElement.onmousedown
- HTMLElement.onmousemove
- HTMLElement.onmouseout
- HTMLElement.onmouseover
- HTMLElement.onmouseup
- HTMLElement.removeAttribute( )
- HTMLElement.scrollIntoView( )
- HTMLElement.setAttribute( )
- Image
- Image.onabort
- Image.onerror
- Image.onload
- Input
- Input.blur( )
- )
- Input.focus( )
- Input.onblur
- Input.onchange
- Input.onclick
- Input.onfocus
- )
- Input.type
- Input.value
- JavaArray
- JavaClass
- JavaObject
- JavaPackage
- JSObject
- )
- JSObject.eval( )
- JSObject.getMember( )
- JSObject.getSlot( )
- JSObject.getWindow( )
- JSObject.removeMember( )
- JSObject.setMember( )
- JSObject.setSlot( )
- JSObject.toString( )
- Layer
- Layer.captureEvents( )
- Layer.handleEvent( )
- Layer.load( )
- Layer.moveAbove( )
- Layer.moveBelow( )
- Layer.moveBy( )
- Layer.moveTo( )
- Layer.moveToAbsolute( )
- Layer.offset( )
- Layer.releaseEvents( )
- Layer.resizeBy( )
- Layer.resizeTo( )
- Layer.routeEvent( )
- Link
- Link.onclick
- Link.onmouseout
- Link.onmouseover
- Location
- Location.reload( )
- Location.replace( )
- MimeType
- Navigator
- Navigator.javaEnabled( )
- Navigator.plugins.refresh( )
- Option
- Password
- Plugin
- Radio
- Radio.onclick
- Reset
- Reset.onclick
- Screen
- Select
- Select.onchange
- Select.options[]
- Style
- Submit
- Submit.onclick
- Text
- Text.onchange
- Textarea
- Textarea.onchange
- Window
- Window.alert( )
- Window.back( )
- Window.blur( )
- Window.captureEvents( )
- Window.clearInterval( )
- Window.clearTimeout( )
- Window.close( )
- Window.confirm( )
- Window.defaultStatus
- Window.focus( )
- Window.forward( )
- Window.handleEvent( )
- Window.home( )
- Window.moveBy( )
- Window.moveTo( )
- Window.navigate( )
- Window.onblur
- Window.onerror
- Window.onfocus
- Window.onload
- Window.onmove
- Window.onresize
- Window.onunload
- )
- Window.print( )
- Window.prompt( )
- Window.releaseEvents( )
- Window.resizeBy( )
- Window.resizeTo( )
- Window.routeEvent( )
- Window.scroll( )
- Window.scrollBy( )
- Window.scrollTo( )
- Window.setInterval( )
- Window.setTimeout( )
- Window.status
- Window.stop( )
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
V. W3C DOM Reference
25. W3C DOM Reference
- Sample Entry
- AbstractView
- AbstractView.getComputedStyle( )
- Attr
- CDATASection
- CharacterData
- CharacterData.appendData( )
- CharacterData.deleteData( )
- CharacterData.insertData( )
- CharacterData.replaceData( )
- CharacterData.substringData( )
- Comment
- Counter
- CSS2Properties
- CSSCharsetRule
- CSSFontFaceRule
- CSSImportRule
- CSSMediaRule
- CSSMediaRule.deleteRule( )
- CSSMediaRule.insertRule( )
- CSSPageRule
- CSSPrimitiveValue
- CSSPrimitiveValue.getCounterValue( )
- CSSPrimitiveValue.getFloatValue( )
- CSSPrimitiveValue.getRectValue( )
- CSSPrimitiveValue.getRGBColorValue( )
- CSSPrimitiveValue.getStringValue( )
- CSSPrimitiveValue.setFloatValue( )
- CSSPrimitiveValue.setStringValue( )
- CSSRule
- CSSRuleList
- CSSRuleList.item( )
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue( )
- CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyPriority( )
- CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue( )
- CSSStyleDeclaration.item( )
- CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty( )
- CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty( )
- CSSStyleRule
- CSSStyleSheet
- CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule( )
- CSSStyleSheet.insertRule( )
- CSSUnknownRule
- CSSValue
- CSSValueList
- CSSValueList.item( )
- Document
- Document.createAttribute( )
- Document.createAttributeNS( )
- Document.createCDATASection( )
- Document.createComment( )
- Document.createDocumentFragment( )
- Document.createElement( )
- Document.createElementNS( )
- Document.createEntityReference( )
- Document.createEvent( )
- Document.createNodeIterator( )
- Document.createProcessingInstruction( )
- Document.createRange( )
- Document.createTextNode( )
- Document.createTreeWalker( )
- Document.getElementById( )
- Document.getElementsByTagName( )
- Document.getElementsByTagNameNS( )
- Document.getOverrideStyle( )
- Document.importNode( )
- DocumentCSS
- DocumentEvent
- DocumentFragment
- DocumentRange
- DocumentStyle
- DocumentTraversal
- DocumentType
- DocumentView
- DOMException
- DOMImplementation
- DOMImplementation.createCSSStyleSheet( )
- DOMImplementation.createDocument( )
- DOMImplementation.createDocumentType( )
- DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument( )
- DOMImplementation.hasFeature( )
- DOMImplementationCSS
- Element
- Element.getAttribute( )
- Element.getAttributeNode( )
- Element.getAttributeNodeNS( )
- Element.getAttributeNS( )
- Element.getElementsByTagName( )
- Element.getElementsByTagNameNS( )
- Element.hasAttribute( )
- Element.hasAttributeNS( )
- Element.removeAttribute( )
- Element.removeAttributeNode( )
- Element.removeAttributeNS( )
- Element.setAttribute( )
- Element.setAttributeNode( )
- Element.setAttributeNodeNS( )
- Element.setAttributeNS( )
- ElementCSSInlineStyle
- Entity
- EntityReference
- Event
- Event.initEvent( )
- Event.preventDefault( )
- Event.stopPropagation( )
- EventException
- EventListener
- EventTarget
- EventTarget.addEventListener( )
- EventTarget.dispatchEvent( )
- EventTarget.removeEventListener( )
- HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAnchorElement.blur( )
- HTMLAnchorElement.focus( )
- HTMLBodyElement
- HTMLCollection
- HTMLCollection.item( )
- HTMLCollection.namedItem( )
- HTMLDocument
- HTMLDocument.close( )
- HTMLDocument.getElementById( )
- HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( )
- )
- HTMLDocument.write( )
- HTMLDocument.writeln( )
- HTMLDOMImplementation
- HTMLElement
- HTMLFormElement
- HTMLFormElement.reset( )
- HTMLFormElement.submit( )
- HTMLInputElement
- HTMLInputElement.blur( )
- )
- HTMLInputElement.focus( )
- )
- HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLSelectElement.add( )
- HTMLSelectElement.blur( )
- HTMLSelectElement.focus( )
- HTMLSelectElement.remove( )
- HTMLTableCaptionElement
- HTMLTableCellElement
- HTMLTableColElement
- HTMLTableElement
- HTMLTableElement.createCaption( )
- HTMLTableElement.createTFoot( )
- HTMLTableElement.createTHead( )
- HTMLTableElement.deleteCaption( )
- HTMLTableElement.deleteRow( )
- HTMLTableElement.deleteTFoot( )
- HTMLTableElement.deleteTHead( )
- HTMLTableElement.insertRow( )
- HTMLTableRowElement
- HTMLTableRowElement.deleteCell( )
- HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell( )
- HTMLTableSectionElement
- HTMLTableSectionElement.deleteRow( )
- HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow( )
- HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTextAreaElement.blur( )
- HTMLTextAreaElement.focus( )
- )
- LinkStyle
- MediaList
- MediaList.appendMedium( )
- MediaList.deleteMedium( )
- MediaList.item( )
- MouseEvent
- MouseEvent.initMouseEvent( )
- MutationEvent
- MutationEvent.initMutationEvent( )
- NamedNodeMap
- NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem( )
- NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS( )
- NamedNodeMap.item( )
- NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem( )
- NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS( )
- NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem( )
- NamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS( )
- Node
- Node.appendChild( )
- Node.cloneNode( )
- Node.hasAttributes( )
- Node.hasChildNodes( )
- Node.insertBefore( )
- Node.isSupported( )
- Node.normalize( )
- Node.removeChild( )
- Node.replaceChild( )
- NodeFilter
- NodeIterator
- NodeIterator.detach( )
- NodeIterator.nextNode( )
- NodeIterator.previousNode( )
- NodeList
- NodeList.item( )
- Notation
- ProcessingInstruction
- Range
- Range.cloneContents( )
- Range.cloneRange( )
- Range.collapse( )
- Range.compareBoundaryPoints( )
- Range.deleteContents( )
- Range.detach( )
- Range.extractContents( )
- Range.insertNode( )
- Range.selectNode( )
- Range.selectNodeContents( )
- Range.setEnd( )
- Range.setEndAfter( )
- Range.setEndBefore( )
- Range.setStart( )
- Range.setStartAfter( )
- Range.setStartBefore( )
- Range.surroundContents( )
- Range.toString( )
- RangeException
- Rect
- RGBColor
- StyleSheet
- StyleSheetList
- StyleSheetList.item( )
- Text
- Text.splitText( )
- TreeWalker
- TreeWalker.firstChild( )
- TreeWalker.lastChild( )
- TreeWalker.nextNode( )
- TreeWalker.nextSibling( )
- TreeWalker.parentNode( )
- TreeWalker.previousNode( )
- TreeWalker.previousSibling( )
- UIEvent
- UIEvent.initUIEvent( )
- ViewCSS
25. W3C DOM Reference
- VI. Class, Property, Method, and Event Handler Index
- Index
- Colophon
Product information
- Title: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2001
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9780596000486
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