JavaScript Masterclass - Zero to Job-Ready with Hands-On Projects

Video description

Welcome to the JavaScript masterclass course, in which we will be building real-world applications and learning the core concepts of HTML, CSS, and OOP. This course takes you through your JavaScript journey from beginner to advanced.

Throughout the course, we will explore the most important JavaScript topics step-by-step. You will start with the fundamental concepts of JavaScript such as variables, data types, functions, loops, iterations, expressions, and operators using examples that will help you understand the topic well.

Moving further, you will deep dive into the intermediate topics of document object model, regular expressions, array, methods, dates and times, local storage, object-oriented programming, error handling, and exceptions. You will also understand advanced concepts such as event loops, setTimeout and setInterval, callbacks and callback hell, promises, async await, and Fetch API with examples.

You will also be building real-world applications that will help you get accustomed to all the preceding concepts and learn to deploy the code onto GitHub and Netlify.

After completing this course, you will be ready to work as an intern, fresher, or freelancer and you will also be able to implement everything yourself.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn complex concepts such as the ‘this’ keyword, closures, promises, and async-wait
  • Understand fundamentals such as variables and data types in JavaScript
  • Understand control flow statements, loops, functions, and more
  • Learn to effectively deploy code to GitHub and Netlify
  • Master intermediate concepts such as DOM, arrays, local storage, OOP, and APIs
  • Get introduced to Babel, Webpack, Firebase, and deployment tools


To take this course, you must have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Object-Oriented Programming. Anyone who wants to learn JavaScript can take up this course with no previous programming knowledge required.

About The Author

Shubham Sarda: Shubham Sarda is a software developer passionate about teaching. He has worked with many funded start-ups, self-made projects, and as a top-rated freelancer in marketplaces.

He has taught programming and digital marketing to over 40,000 students online and offline. Shubham has mastered the art of explaining very complex topics in the most straightforward manner that is easy to understand and follow.

His video courses are professionally structured and used as training material by many companies to train their employees and by colleges to prepare their students and upgrade their skills based on industry requirements.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction and Resources
    1. Course Introduction
    2. Resources
  2. Chapter 2 : JavaScript Basics
    1. JavaScript Basics
    2. Environment Setup / 003
    3. How to Run JavaScript Files / 005
    4. Browser Console / 006
    5. Variables, Constants, and Comments / 007
    6. Naming Conventions / 007-1
    7. Data Types / 008
    8. Strings / 009
    9. String Methods / 010
    10. Numbers / 011
    11. Template Literals / 012
    12. Arrays / 013
    13. Null and Undefined / 014
    14. Booleans and Comparisons / 015
    15. Loose Versus Strict Comparison / 016
    16. Type Conversion / 017
  3. Chapter 3 : Control Flow
    1. Control Flow / 018
    2. For Loop / 019
    3. For Loop (in and of) / 019-1
    4. While Loop / 020
    5. Do While Loop / 021
    6. If Statements / 022
    7. Else and Else If / 023
    8. Logical Operators / 024
    9. Logical NOT / 025
    10. Break and Continue / 026
    11. Switch Statements / 027
    12. Scope (Global and Local) / 028
    13. Ternary Operator / 028-1
  4. Chapter 4 : Functions
    1. Functions - I / 029
    2. Functions - II / 030
    3. Arguments and Parameters / 031
    4. Returning Values / 032
    5. Arrow Functions / 033
    6. Functions and Methods / 034
    7. forEach Method and Callbacks / 035
    8. forEach Method / 036
  5. Chapter 5 : Object Literals
    1. Object Literals - I
    2. Object Literals - II / 038
    3. Methods / 039
    4. 'this' Keyword / 040
    5. Objects in Arrays / 041
    6. Math Object / 042
    7. Primitive Versus Reference Types - I / 043
    8. Primitive Versus Reference Types - II / 043-2
  6. Chapter 6 : Document Object Model
    1. DOM Introduction / 044
    2. DOM In-Depth / 045
    3. Query Selector / 046
    4. Selectors / 047
    5. Controlling Content (Add/Delete) / 048
    6. Attributes (Get/Set) / 049
    7. Changing CSS Styles / 050
    8. Classes (Add/Remove) / 051
    9. Relationships (Parent/Child/Siblings) / 052
    10. Events - I / 053-1
    11. Events - II / 053-2
    12. Creating and Removing Elements / 054
    13. Event Bubbling and Delegation / 055
    14. More DOM Events / 056
  7. Chapter 7 : Form and Form Events
    1. Events Inside Forms / 057
    2. Submit Events / 059
    3. Regular Expressions / 060
    4. Testing RegEx Patterns / 061
    5. Basic Form Validation / 062
    6. Keyboard Events / 063
    7. Events on HTML Page / 065
  8. Chapter 8 : Project: Quiz Application
    1. Project Demo / 210
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 211
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 212
    4. Working with Answer / 213
    5. Score Update / 214
    6. Reload / 215
    7. Final Demo / 216
    8. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 321
  9. Chapter 9 : Array Methods
    1. Filter Method / 071
    2. Map Method / 072
    3. Reduce Method / 073
    4. Find Method / 074
    5. Sort Method / 075
    6. Reverse Method / 075-3
    7. Chaining Methods / 076
  10. Chapter 10 : Project: Todo List Manager
    1. Project Demo / 221
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 222
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 223
    4. Add Task / 224
    5. Delete Task / 225
    6. Update Task Count / 226
    7. Search Task I / 227
    8. Search Task II: Case Sensitive / 228
    9. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 322
  11. Chapter 11 : Dates and Time
    1. Dates / 205
    2. Times / 206
  12. Chapter 12 : Local Storage
    1. Local Storage / 207
    2. JSON / 208
  13. Chapter 13 : Project: Budget Tracker
    1. Project Demo / 229
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 231
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 232
    4. Add Transaction / 234
    5. Transactions on localStorage / 235
    6. Income and Expense List / 236
    7. Get Transactions / 237
    8. Delete Transaction / 238
    9. Update Statistics / 239
    10. Empty Transactions / 240
    11. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 316
  14. Chapter 14 : Object-Oriented Programming
    1. Object-Oriented Programming - I
    2. Object-Oriented Programming - II
    3. Object Literals Again! / 117
    4. Classes / 118
    5. Methods / 119
    6. Inheritance - I / 120
    7. Inheritance - II / 121
    8. Prototype Model / 122
    9. Prototype Inheritance / 123
    10. Built-in Methods
    11. Static Keyword / 125
    12. Getter and Setter / 127
  15. Chapter 15 : Error Handling and Exceptions
    1. Error Handling / 201
    2. Exceptions / 202
  16. Chapter 16 : Modules
    1. Module - I / 203
    2. Module - II / 204
  17. Chapter 17 : Project: Kanban Application
    1. Project Demo / 281
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 282
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 283
    4. Kanban Flow / 284
    5. Class and Function / 285
    6. Get Task / 286
    7. Insert Task / 287
    8. Delete Task / 288
    9. Update Task / 289
    10. Task Card / 290
    11. Task Count / 291
    12. Form: Add Task / 292
    13. Form: Edit Task / 293
    14. Form: Delete Task / 294
    15. Drag-Drop Task Card / 295
    16. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 317
  18. Chapter 18 : Asynchronous JavaScript
    1. Asynchronous JavaScript / 181
    2. setTimeout / 182
    3. setInterval / 183
    4. Callbacks and Callback Hell / 184
    5. Promises / 185
    6. Promises All / 186
    7. Async and Await / 187
    8. API / JSON Data
    9. Fetch API / 189
    10. Fetch API - Methods / 190
  19. Chapter 19 : Project: News Portal
    1. Project Demo / 241
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 242
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 243
    4. Working with News API / 244
    5. Fetch News Data / 245
    6. News Categories / 246
    7. Backup Data / 247
    8. Category Request / 248
    9. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 319
  20. Chapter 20 : Babel
    1. Installing Node.js
    2. Babel Introduction
    3. Babel CLI / 153
    4. Babel / 154
    5. Folder Structure / 155
  21. Chapter 21 : Webpack
    1. Webpack / 156
    2. Loaders
    3. Mode / 158
    4. Webpack Dev Server / 162
    5. Webpack Boilerplate Code / 163
  22. Chapter 22 : Firebase
    1. Firebase Introduction
    2. Webpack Setup / 252
    3. Firebase Setup / 253
    4. Firebase Connection / 254
    5. Fetching Documents - I / 255
    6. Fetching Documents- II / 256
    7. Adding and Deleting Documents / 257
    8. Snapshots / 258
    9. Firestore Queries / 259
    10. Ordering Data / 260
    11. Updating Documents / 261
    12. Fetching Individual Document / 262
    13. Authentication - I / 263
    14. Authentication - II / 264
  23. Chapter 23 : Project: Bookmark Manager
    1. Project Demo / 269
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 271
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 272
    4. Firebase Setup / 273
    5. Access Document / 274
    6. Delete Document / 275
    7. Filter Documents / 276
    8. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 318
  24. Chapter 24 : Project: notNotion
    1. Project Demo / 301
    2. Template Structure (Optional) / 302
    3. Template Structure (Optional) / 303
    4. Template Structure (Optional) / 304
    5. Template Structure (Optional) / 305
    6. Template Structure (Optional) / 306
    7. Navbar, Modals and Accordions / 307
    8. Swipe Library - I / 308
    9. Swipe Library - II / 309
    10. Merge All Projects / 310
    11. Project Deployment Using GitHub and Netlify / 320
  25. Chapter 25 : Course Completion
    1. Course Completion
  26. Chapter 26 : (Optional) HTML and CSS Refresher
    1. How Web Works? (Optional)
    2. Environment Setup
    3. HTML Introduction
    4. Head Section
    5. Common HTML Tags
    6. Media Tags
    7. Linking Page
    8. Forms I
    9. Forms II
    11. List
    12. Tables
    13. Inline and Block
    14. Id and Classes
    15. HTML Semantics I
    16. HTML Semantics II
    17. HTML Entity
    18. Introduction to CSS
    19. CSS Types and Order
    20. Selectors
    21. Selector Game I
    22. Selector Game II
    23. Specificity / R029
    24. Common Properties

Product information

  • Title: JavaScript Masterclass - Zero to Job-Ready with Hands-On Projects
  • Author(s): Shubham Sarda
  • Release date: February 2023
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781837637904