JavaScript from Beginner to Expert

Video description

Become a JavaScript expert in 30 days, even if you are a beginner. Become a front-end developer of websites in JS

About This Video

  • You will understand all concepts and create your own applications!
  • You can become a front-end developer.
  • JavaScript is a much-demanded language by employers.

In Detail

The course is designed for people who don't have any knowledge about programming or want to truly understand JavaScript. It doesn't matter if you have never written any programs or you have no idea about programming... After my course, all this will change. You will bust the myth that programming is a difficult thing only for the few! JavaScript will bring life to your website. Learn JavaScript in order to improve the user experience on your website, which will result in more visitors and sales, because happy visitors = a better reputation for your website. JavaScript gives your website additional functionalities that can be executed on the user's computer without re-connecting to the server. This allows you to do things that you cannot do with only HTML. Because of this, the user interface becomes friendlier and more inter-active JavaScript is a programming language used for creating dynamic action on your website. If you want to remove/change/add content to your website dynamically, you must know JavaScript. After this course, you will know JavaScript perfectly. This is the most organized course about JavaScript from Beginner to Expert on the whole Internet. I will take you step by step from theory to practical examples, like image sliders and animation.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction
    1. What is JavaScript and where can you use it?
    2. Who Am I?
    3. What will you know after this course?
    4. Assumptions in this course
  2. Chapter 2 : Editor
    1. Downloading and installing editor
    2. Creating the project / structure of project
    3. Useful shortcuts that will save you tons of time
  3. Chapter 3 : Basics
    1. Properly embedding JS scripts on your website reducing website loading speed
    2. Basics: How is your script executed? Whitespaces/semicolons etc.
    4. Variables
  4. Chapter 4 : Operators
    1. Arithmetic operators
    2. Relational operators
    3. Logical operators
  5. Chapter 5 : Conditions
    1. Conditional Statements
    2. Conditional operator ?:
    3. Switch
  6. Chapter 6 : Functions
    1. Functions basics
    2. Scope of Variables within Functions and Outside of Functions
    3. Function Expressions | Anonymous function
  7. Chapter 7 : Objects
    1. What are and how to create objects?
    2. Using an Object Constructor Function (class)
    3. Adding Properties to Objects using Prototype
  8. Chapter 8 : Arrays
    1. Arrays
    2. Useful Array Methods
  9. Chapter 9 : Loops
    1. What is a loop? while and do while loop
    2. loop for
    3. instruction break and continue
    4. loop for/in - used for processing objects
    5. EXERCISE: Argument Object in function (unlimited number of arguments)
  10. Chapter 10 : DOM (Document Object Model)
    1. What is DOM / how to obtain content of your website
    2. querySelector - fast and easy accessing of elements on the website
    3. Changing dynamically styles of elements using JS
    4. Adding and removing elements from document
    5. EXERCISE: Loop inside another Loop - printing out multiplication table
  11. Chapter 11 : Events
    1. Basics of Events
    2. 'this' - accessing the element that invoked the event function
    4. Adding and removing event listener
    5. Event object as an automatically passed argument to function
    6. Propagating (multiplication of events)
    7. Preventing browser default action for example blocking context menu
    8. EXERCISE: onscroll Event - 'jump to the top of website' button
    9. Mouse events - dragging the image
    10. setTimeout and setInterval - Timing Events
    11. EXERCISE: upgrading the code from the last lesson to object oriented way
  12. Chapter 12 : Validating Forms using Events
    1. How to validate forms? Validating text type input using form related events
    2. Stopping form from submitting when any data in a form is not correct
    3. Checkbox
    4. radio input on terms and condition example
    5. select (combo box)
  13. Chapter 13 : String
    1. Manipulating a string using String's methods
    2. Breaking string in many lines for readability and special characters
  14. Chapter 14 : RegExp
    1. Regular expressions
    2. Regexp match vs exec function
    3. EXERCISE: RegExp on practical example - testing password in input
  15. Chapter 15 : Date
    1. Time manipulation with Date object
    2. Exercise: A Clock on your website
  16. Chapter 16 : Cookies
    1. What are cookies?
    2. Function for creating cookies
    3. Function for removing cookies
    4. Platform as a Service Function for finding value of cookie by keyname(PaaS)
    5. Properly interpreting special characters - EncodeURIComponent method
  17. Chapter 17 : Dialog Window
    1. Confirm and prompt box
  18. Chapter 18 : Math
    1. Rounding numbers and the most useful Math methods
    2. Randomness
    3. EXERCISE: Random quotes
  19. Chapter 19 : Location
    1. How to get and change location (URL) of your user?
  20. Chapter 20 : Images
    1. Loading Images only when needed - save your bandwidth and improve user experience
  21. Chapter 21 : Slideshow
    1. Slideshow
    2. Slideshow animated in JS using CSS property transition
    3. Animation using setInterval that is supported in every web browser
    4. Image gallery with thumbnails
    5. Tooltip - how to create a hint box?
  22. Chapter 22 : Closures
    1. What are closures on practical example?
  23. Chapter 23 : Advanced - Optional Topics
    1. Bitwise operators
  24. Chapter 24 : BONUS 1: Debugging
    1. Firebug
    2. Debugging with console commands
    3. Great online tools for testing and sharing your code
    4. strict mode
  25. Chapter 25 : BONUS 2: Best practises
    1. Code performance
    2. Keeping one .js file
    3. Compressing JS files
    4. 7 most common mistakes you should avoid
    5. Changing IDE coloristics - keep your eyes healthy
  26. Chapter 26 : Summary
    1. What after this course?

Product information

  • Title: JavaScript from Beginner to Expert
  • Author(s): Arkadiusz Włodarczyk
  • Release date: October 2017
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781788838139