Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) applications, 419
Mail User Agent (MUA) applications, 419
maintainability defects, 94
maintenance, 94–95
cost of, 95
defined, 94
goal, 94
IEEE process activities, 95
business processes, 238
EJB account, 590
identity, 680–682
importance, 19
reporting, 19
specifications, 31
systems, 689–691
tools, 19
transaction, 583–619
arrays, 326
information model, 531
Java-to-XML data type, 321
Java-WSDL, 345–355
in JAXB, 559
JAXR to UDDI, 531–533
in JAX-RPC, 559
MIME, supported by SAAJ implementation, 445
MIME-to-Java data type, 369
multidimensional arrays, 326–327
of SOAP simple types to Java, 326
type, 388, 389
UDDI Inquiry API to JAXR, 532
UDDI Publisher API to JAXR, 532
XML-to-Java, 555–559
XML-to-Java data ...

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