Synchronization Overheads

There are two separate costs of synchronization. Firstly, there is the operational cost of managing the monitors. This overhead can be significant: acquiring and testing for locks on the monitor for every synchronized method and block can impose a lot of overhead. Attempting to acquire a lock must itself be a synchronized activity within the VM; otherwise, two threads can simultaneously execute the lock-acquisition code. This overhead can be reduced by clever techniques in the VM, but never completely eliminated. The next section addresses this overhead and looks at ways to avoid it whenever possible.


Attempts to lock on different objects in two threads must still be synchronized to ensure that the object identity check and granting of the lock are handled atomically. This means that even attempting to get a lock on any object by two or more threads at the same time can still cause a performance degradation, as the VM grants only one thread at a time access to the lock-acquisition routine.

In some VMs, synchronizing static methods takes significantly longer than synchronizing nonstatic methods, suggesting that code is global in these VMs for the static synchronizations. (This is not strictly speaking a bug, but certainly not optimal for performance.)

The second cost of synchronization is in what it actually does. Synchronization serializes execution of a set of statements so that only one thread at a time executes that set. Whenever multiple threads simultaneously ...

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